Russian Bias in 2024?

Specifically I’m talking F-14B’s GBUs in ground RB since that was the subject.

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Like usining a harrier with 4 amg65s.

Got called a lot of names for literally circling the map and demolishing the entire enemy spaa that are still just sat stationary in or next to spawn

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Ah as i see facours and pheonix.mentioned and the f14 being able to out range stuff i jumped to a conclusion. Apologies.

I seen your gbu comment just after i shot mine up.

You did not say AIM-54s are bad, what you said is:

Where does in this sentence say Phoenixes are bad?

You don’t mention anything about using F-14 as CAS and I don’t use the F-14B, so I assumed you’re talking about F-14 having Fox 3’s.

Well look, i made an assumption and was wrong. So was your assumption.

Realistically its subjective, the su25 may have a good ground attack missile, range wise.

But its still a massive target and any person at that br should be using cap to take down air over using spaa, even pantsirs 90 percent of the time hust get slapped in spawn same as anyother spaa.

Edit plus reading over it again saying f14 out does pantsir is pretty definitevely speaking of ground striking with it.

Don’t know how true that is, but even if it is. It still can only carry 2-4 GBU’s and use them one at a time, which is still way weaker than SU-25SM3.

Alright then. F16C can carry 6 long rang agm65s. Is more maneuverable, faster, better electronics avionics it only loses out on range of missile.

Especially since they changed the agm65s.

And didnt they add a newer one for thr av8B+ .

Its subjective af, the su25 isnt actually that good at top tier, its more an issue in 10.0

Yes, that’s not OP because that’s only good thing USA has, it’s CAS. The tanks are paper, SPAA is shit, Heli’s are shit, only light tank HSTV-L is gimped to the core with wrong pen on ammo, wrong firerate, finally after years it got it’s IRST and proxy shell.

And let’s look at a minor nation France, the same F-16C as CAS, ItO 90M the 2nd best SPAA, Leclercs are on par with Abrams if not better and it has Heli’s with F&F missiles.

And don’t even start me on Mavericks, they’re nowhere near as good as Kh-38’s that is way faster, deadlier and cheaper to spawn.

The tanks are some of the best in game??? What are you on about.

The lecrerc, type 10, challanger 2s, merkavas, arietes are all significantly worse than the abrams.

The spaa is more reliable than again most other trees, some dont even have radar missile slingers.

Hstvl is the only thing id agree on there.

France has some of the best cap, and and extensive range of jets to use for cas and cap at top tier.

The leclercs from what ive seen are quite bad and hence why i stopped at the amx40 for now.

However the US tree is one of the best in game.
Id rather use abrams ove the T series tanks.

Edit, abrams has better mobility than t series. And the leopards, second best round in the entire game, has a good profile, and has a damn 5 second reload.

I would say that the su25t is the peak. The top su25 only has range and range also adds the chance of the target dodging the missile.

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The 11.3 event one i have is pretty okay but tbh id still rather a harrier or f16 in top tier

On par with an m1a1*

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I enjoy the harrier gr7. Much better at dodging spaa and gets 4 aim9m. Plus 4 agm65g is very nice

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Even then id still rather the m1a1 tbh.

Nearly got the first lec and really am dreading it

Because its smaller than the su25. A bit faster and can fire ans forget it doesnt need to guide stuff in just to hit.

As well ive not even got the 9ms yet the 9ls are.more than sufficient enough to bang su25s out the air.

not sure if you have used aim9m in ground rb but they are amazing. No one sees them coming.

Got gripens and f15s man yeah i have. But im.saying the 9l is more than enough to bonk peoples too

What are you on about? Put on you glasses read again what I wrote:

Yet another Mr.Expert here haven’t played a single top tier match with USA, and those at 11-11.3 your KD is 1 or lower. Yet you have positive KD in Russian T series tank…

Yeah i read it, you havent read anything ive said from the look of it.

The abrams is easily one of the best top tier tanks in game, the m1a1 is arguably better than the leclercs which are higher br.

The hstvl i agreed with you.