Russian Bias in 2024?

i mean i read all of that nonsense and a lot of people jumped to a lot of conclusions, for example this former member of the russian state ministry, was A in the 90s and B was essentially a damn intern.
now this is completely off topic for the discussion, and there is a bias, its for fking premium planes.

oh wait the russian bias? same bias that puts german and swedish tanks as the best at top tier ground? german tanks are some of the best BR for BR but well gloss over that.

USA dominates in air for the most part of BRs with only other nations with things such as the gripen or mirage taking any form of winning side.
theres one or two good russian props most of its total dogwater.

to state there is russian bias is objectively bias in of itself, the whole thing started as a meme.

was it russian bias that when the update with F15s, su27s gripens etc dropped. only the F15s sat at 12.3 while being objectively one of the best jets out of all the top tier?

is it bias that the german leopard 2s, not even the 2a7 are absolutely phenomenally good?

has there been data mined changes to russian tanks? sure, but theres also changes to western tanks and vehicles.

the difference is no one bats a fking eye when its western stuff doing some freaky “bias” stuff.

if there is any bias its for the prems, hence for example the F5C has flares, damage model is busted still but not as bad, or how about things like the CV90105? released and ruined the bracket for a while.

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The penetration, optical zoom and thermals are better and it has a bit of armour but it’s noticably slower.

id like to see that statistic cause remember this games global, its massive in the US, russian players also are on the EU server. AND theres a massive massive amount of chinese players as well, who tend to have prems and what not.

just means hang back and keep it at a longer range then i suppose!

now if youll excuse me ive been on this thread for too long and its went far, far too off topic. goodbye

Yup, 100%

Now more are coming though lol like this Pigeon fellow.

This pigeon fellows been a player for nearly 6 years now mate and followed it quite intensely for about 5 of those.

So yeah i tend to follow whats happening with it.

But yeah russian bias.

Did you read his final statement, which he posted somewhere when he was eventually fired because of that scandal? It doesn’t matter where and when he was an intern. I won’t share the juicy details about the workplace atmosphere, because I’d surely get banned. But it’s enough to know who was tuning the Pantsir in this game, and what that person was known for on the old Russian forum, to make any doubts about Russian bias disappear forever.

i watched that old forum, theres plenty complaints of russian equipment as long as they had a substantial piece of evidence, yes i read his final statement.

the pantsir IRL is also a formidable SPAA system so i dunno what that comment is about.
now enough this isnt on topic at all.

No, in real life, this system was a complete failure in the local conflicts where it was used. And that guy from the old forum didn’t even know how the missiles were guided on the Tunguska. How he managed to tune the Pantsir with that kind of knowledge—judge for yourself.

again this isnt on topic, and no theyve been quite successful bar one being taken out by turkey in syria.
and you can dig up sources in a matter of seconds on google on the pantsir and its systems. bar the most modern iteration.

stop spreading nonsense on a thread not about this at all.

2014 for me, since you want to make a big deal of it.

Idk if in-game xray values are bugged or what, but definetly doesn’t show 5 degree difference anywhere.

// Leclerc AZUR

// M1A2 SEP

It is paper, turret armor is only useful when hull down on few maps that actually allows it. But the breach of Abrams is so big it turns into repair simulator…

So does Abrams, especially thanks to fuel tanks. There’s a 19mm armor plating behind fuel tanks that generate enough spall to kill entire crew when shot at front hull or tracks. Side shot is already one shot kill or disables turret ring.

Abrams have slightly more protection at front that is useful hull down, but Leclerc can survive a side shot without losing the turret ring and it doesn’t double the reload when loader is downed
// Side X ray of Leclerc AZUR with empty space

// Side X ray of Abrams with turret with hydraulic pump and vertical drive

Did you just post an upgraded Leclerc in Arcade vs a Stock Abrams in Realistic

the abrams turret can tank more than a leclercs, every tank has a breech weakness in game for balance.

the abrams hull has far more armour than the leclerc hull, the M1a1 Abrams is on par with the 11.7 leclerc.

i think so

exactly so you should know better than me that sitting here saying russian bias n the nonsense thats being chapped out is just that.

the dude got sacked for his actions, if there were bias, or a disdain for the community then they wouldnt have given a second thought to the situation.

to boot, youve seen it go from the mustangs, to the yaks, to the sabers being better than migs, only shit like the su11 slips in. which due to the balance on stats is why its BR is still 7.3

russian bias is in your walls mate.

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It wasn’t just Turkey, and not just in Syria, that took it out. This system turned out to be almost useless against the targets it was supposedly designed to intercept. And yes, the likelihood that it could successfully intercept incoming Mavericks in real life is very low.

Actually no, now looking at it, Leclerc has no bulkheads behind fuel tanks and if you’re not carrying ammo there, the left side of LFP won’t kill the crew, maybe gunner if not stopped by the fuel tank.

Meanwhile those armor plates behind fuel tanks always generate spall to take down crew members

All I said is Abrams breach is bigger, making it easier to hit when hull down
// Abrams breach

// Leclerc breach in comparison