Russian Bias in 2024?

It kinda does but that wasn’t really the my main point.

M1A1 AIM is on par with SEP except in shell and I have over a thousand matches on it. And I play 11.7 with ADATS and 12.7 with F-16C. Newest Abrams he has is 11.3 M1A1 HC which he played poorly in but keeps proclaiming it’s better than Leclercs and T-series (which he has way better KD in).

Hows it played poorly ?

You have close to 1 kd same as mine lol

So i cant objectively observe how tanks perform overall?

After 5 years of playing this game the community never ceases to amaze me on its gate keeping.

I too also play my abrams in full 12.7 games every single game due taking the f15 with me.

The m1a1 aim isnt on par with the sep either the sep is an m1a2.

So then yours is played poorly as well then?

Also its more than 1.0 theres air kills as well so its 85 total kills to 83 deaths

The reason why I believe Leclercs are on par if not better than Abrams are:

  1. Both have 5 second reload but Leclerc is autoloaded so it doesn’t require Ace crew and doesn’t suffer from downed loader debuff.
  2. Leclerc have better mobility than top tier Abrams
  3. Both are paper, easily taken down or disabled by one or two shots.
  4. Abrams have impenetrable cheeks that can stop a round every now and then, Leclercs lack this.
  5. All Leclercs have gen 2 thermals while for USA only SEP variants and Squadron one have gen 2 thermals.
  6. Leclercs have faster turret traverse both in vertical and horizontal with 2 degrees less in depression.
  7. Abrams engine sound is still loud and can easily be distinguished from teammates, making it harder to flank in small urban maps.

Abrams have little bit more protection because of cheeks that can sometimes stop a round, meanwhile Lercels is consistenly faster with reloads and turret traverse and better thermsals on more tanks.
Abrams isn’t an upgrade to Leclerc but more like a sidegrade.

EDIT: And if you gonna say “no you don’t know because haven’t played with it”, here’s from someone who payed with Abrams and Leclercs saying the same thing.

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Like I said, the Australian Abrams is equal to SEP with thermals, protection (without TUSK package), engine, only differences are SEP is 0.2 t heavier and have better M829A2 round instead of KE-W.
Please go fact check these before coming here and saying I’m wrong.

well it not that hard when you fight the enemy that entire hull are green and they have to aim your weak spot

Hm weird why my SA Gripen and carry only 4 Darter and 2 9M while you can carry 6darter do i missed something?

Happened to me right now in several ground battles.

Shot an AIM-120 on a SU-25 at a range of 10km.
At every other plane except Russian a 100% kill. But the SU-25 just headed on flying straight and missle went 1km behind it and did nothing.
As well as 9Ms can’t lock them even with Radar Support, but only at 1km when the have already shred you to pieces with their cannons…

😂😂 that just isnt true at all.

Apoligied 4 dartes 2 9ms is still absolutely perfect for taking down enemy cas.

Bro even you don’t believe this

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Jeez I thought they buff that thing (well darter aren’t that good too still prefer Swedish one with AMRAAM)

Still an amraam can sling it off at 14 km at a su25 and not worry.

But yeah getting tbings mixed up theres that many jets and missiles now adays.

Russian bias lives in his walls

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Well written response there. And much to think on, appreciate the time to write that.

Regardless that doesn’t make the abrams bad at all, its still one of the better tanks from the game meaning again that the US isnt solely relying on the f16.

The hstvl as a light is a sad story.
I am currently thinking on using the stryker but can’t decide if its worth the grind yet for using at 11.0

Can send you the replay if you want.

Can you really

Abrams isn’t bad, it’s just the best tank after Leopards, Strvs, T-series, TKX’s, ZTZ’s… still better than Ariete, Chally and Merkavas. That’s called below average.

If you gonna argue Abrams is good because there 3 useless tanks in the game that are the same BR. By that logic, the Merkavas are good because Challengers are bad, and Challengers are good because Ariete is bad… Then all tanks are good except Ariere?