Yesterday I played a few matches with Russia and remembered how survivable they are.
In one match, my T-90M was shot SIX times.
3 shots were stopped by the armor, including a side shot eaten by the Relikt ERA.
The other 3 shots didn’t even hurt a single crewman- only destroyed the engine after harmlessly punching through the autoloader and whole crew compartment.
And these people claim that “it suffers” and start raging and insulting you if you dare suggest these tanks aren’t as terrible as they make them out to be.
Then you have the Abrams, where 50% of the penetrations are a one-hit kill and 50% of the penetrations will anihilate the driver, engine, transmission, vertical traverse mechanism, hydraulic pump, horizontal traverse mechanism and gun breech (only to be finished off in a second shot you can do nothing to avoid)… and they claim that tank is OP and, again, begin insulting you if you dare even suggest it it may not be as OP as they make it out to be just because it has better depression and reverse speed.
The way I see it, American and Russian MBTs are more or less equivalent in an asymmetrical way.
American tanks are worse in general but have higher potential, while Russian tanks are better in general but have lower potential.
-Abrams: high floor (bad), but high ceiling (good).
In short: harder to do well with for the average player, but easier to do extraordinarily well with for the better player.
-Russia: low floor (good), but low ceiling (bad).
In short: more easy to do well with for the average player, but harder to do extraordinarily well with for the better player.
Basically, Abrams can do great if you spend the entire match hidding behind a hill and only popping 0.17 pixels of your turret to shoot for 0.2 seconds. Dare to play a bit more aggressively and you are dead; on the other hand, Russian tanks can do great if you just kinda rush and brawl, but their weaknesses are more limiting for a more agile player who wants to do even better.