Round limit

So im not sure if this issue is only for the Strv 122B+ but so far thats the only tank i have seen this issue on, but for whatever reason i have a bullet limmit for dm33 (i dont have the slpprj m/95 yet) now i saw this issue yesterday where i had a limit of 19 rounds

now today it seams to have gotten worse to where i can only carry 9

im not sure why this is happening but it is getting enoying having to use worse rounds because the game limits me

Hmm, do you have auto-buy ammo on? I think it can be enabled via checkbox somewhere. Its suspicious, because it seems like you have fewer rounds every game, (19 ->9) Could it be the case, that you fired 10 rounds the previous game and auto-replenishing ammunition is not on?


I agree. Seems like he is running out and has to buy more.

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intresting, it aperentaly i guess it was off eaven when i havent tutched it ever

Ok so somehow it was trurned off all of a sudden i just noted it on the B+ first

Stuff like that happens sometimes. They update something and another thing breaks.

Like when they do an update and your controls reset to default.

bruh, now its the question how do i fix it

Cant you just turn it back on?

i dont know how to as i have never dealt with it before

Nvm i found it

Thanks for he help tho

No problem.

Just the problems of 10+ years of code build up.

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Open you research tab and down at the bottom right side you will see a wrench and bullet icon with a box to check. Checking those boxes will enable automatic repair and ammo replenishment.

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