Well we have a few Romanian planes tanks even helicopter in French German Italian tech trees
we also have tanks from Poland.
Just an idea here since both of the countries don’t rly have extensive military equipment between world war 1, 2 and the cold one ( they have plenty for top tier )
I was thinking why not take both countries since they were close allies in WW 2 ( polish troops retreated into Romania blah blah ) and now a days
Why not take both of their armies and combine them ?
You will have plenty of WW1 and 2 Equipment from both of them a mix of German Russian tanks with some original designs from both countries
In planes Romania was somewhat of a producer having its own IAR designs, but also using some Polish planes too
In terms of modern equipment both countries use/will use the American Abrams and the Korean K2 Black Panther tanks modern IFV as MLI-84 or Borsuk and so on.
This is just an opinion, but it would seem interesting to have a first tech tree that is formed from 2 countries instead of having one that completed by adding bits and pieces from others.
Romania is currently placed in the Italian TT according to Gaijin as well as Hungary.
Poland can be added with Czechoslovakia (maybe also other Eastern Europe countries):
I like the idea of Romanian-Hungarian subtree in the Italian TT and its further expansion.
Looks like ill have to do an Um actually to you but u wanted to be the “go learn history” one so be it
Germany invaded Poland in the year 1939 Romania joined the Axis powers in the year 1940 about 120k polish troops retreated into Romania and Hungary
And if u use this link here Romanian Bridgehead - Wikipedia
And read trough it u will see what i mean but nah
This isnt a post where i spill out history facts this was just an opinion
If u dont like the idea of a romanian/poland tech tree dont comment
I guess thats true but at the same time they have a helicopter in the french tree 1 plane in the german tree
And tbh i think Hungary tehincally speaking would be more than enaugh to complete the italian tech tree
Since they kinda have what the italians lack on the ground.
If romania were to be added it will be a bit wiered (since they had French tanks German tanks Russian tanks and some designs of their own ) like i dont think we need even more confusion of on what side is that t-34 and so on
They can just take out the romanian stuff and make a new tree with it and poland
since i am 100% sure the Hungarians has OSA as anti air too
history wise we all know that Hungarians and Romanians dont get along so it will be like a punch in the gut for both types of players
That was before they decided to place Romanian stuff in Italy. Now it’s confirmed multiple times by CM that Italy accomodates Romanian tech.
For example:
“MInor Axis” planes which were available in the German TT were later reintroduced in the Italian TT after the addition of IAR-81C (Romanian Hs.129, He-112B1/U2; Hungarian Bf-109G-2, which also has Romanian skin). Then we also got Romanian OSA-AKM, Romanian (historical) skin for Hungarian IL-28 and event IAR-93B.
I think with these additions we are going to get more Romanian stuff in the Italian TT (hopefully not only premium/event), Regele Ferdinand class (which we have in the game in a form of War prize as Letuchiy in the Soviet TT) and IAR-316B can be introduced later. Helicopter though has rather old model, so probably requires rework.
Just realized something rly curios about this one Technically speaking the most modern tank in both romania and poland are/will be the K2 Black Panther and if i am not mistaken i think both countries have bought Abrams as well not sure what variant of it probably SEPv3 ones. Wouldn’t it be wired if both to have a realisitic ground battle and have USA with the abrams against italy also with the abrams ? Not to talk about simulator that will look like a pain a butt.
Hopefully they find a way to fix that.
It isn’t a problem, we already have Leopard 2 in multiple nations and other tech like T-72s, T-80s, F-16s, Gripens. In the future almost every nation will have F-35.
Although for Romania these tanks are just plans so far, Abrams were ordered, but the order can be canceled, just like it was with 2A8IT, we should wait if/until these tanks arrive to Romania.