Rio de la Plata (Argentine-Brazilian-Uruguay) Tech Tree

@AspandaIV post this on suggestions please


I would like to suggest something, to see if we can give further impetus to this initiative.

I think the suggested TT name is a problem. From minute one it makes me uncomfortable. I have been thinking about possible solutions ever since.

The problem is that it is not entirely representative of the nations that comprise it (Brazil symbolically has little connection with the Rio de la Plata, at least compared to Argentina and Uruguay).
Also, it doesn’t fit with the current Gaijin format. I mean, Gaijin introduces a national TT and a national subTT complements it, even receiving vehicles from other nations with close ties (see examples in UK+SA+CAN/NZL/AUS - SWE+FIN+NOR/DK - IT+HUN+ RU/SPAIN/TUR).

I suggest a plebiscite for the community to give its opinion.

Option 1: Brazil TT + Argentina subTT + Uruguay, Peru, etc.

Option 2: Argentina TT + Brazil subTT + Uruguay, Peru, etc.

Or simply adopt de facto option 1. It is the one I would choose if I were Gaijin because, in marketing terms, Brazil represents greater profitability, making this proposal more viable as a real possibility in WT.

Here I am not looking at my personal interests, but rather at the best possibility of having a space for representation in the game, as a Latin American community.

I would like to hear your opinions and know what you think. With our focus on making this a real possibility. I think Gaijin will never consider these initiatives if they do not fit his policies and interests. Greetings.

The new format that I propose not only fits more with WT, but also opens the doors to some Peruvian vehicles such as the Tifon 2A.


If i am going to post this on suggestions i would most likely either name it Rio de la Plata + Brazil, Bolivia & Peru, Parana + Bolivia and Peru or Mercosur + Peru (even if Mercosur is an economic bloc not a military one). There could be a proper or the very least proposed name for a Argentine-Brazilian Military alliance that i could use instead but i still yet to see one

I am still currently looking up Peruvian Vehicles to add, the Tifon 2A, AMX-13 Alcaran, Fiat-6616, (maybe) the Fiat 6614, NA-50 Torito, Ca-114, Ca.135 Tipo Peru and the Belarusian upgraded Su-25’s that Peru operated.

One vehicle that i need more info on is the T-55’s modified by TENSA for the Peruvian army

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you could also call it mercosur tech tree, i know its not a military thing but a trade one

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you could get in contact with one guys from this forum for the TENSA T-55 Frustrada modernización de los T-55 peruanos | Zona Militar

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There is no Nation named Mercosur.


Lo diré en español para que se entienda mejor. No existe ninguna nación llamada Mercosur. Tenemos que coincidir con las políticas de Gaijin para implementar nuevos TT nacionales. Tenemos que elegir si o si un país y luego proponer dentro del mismo TT, el subTT con la otra nación + las Naciones cercanas (socios, aliados, vecinos o todas aquellas que sean acordes al TT).

Había sugerido que sea Brasil la principal nación, debido al tamaño de su comunidad y lo tentador que podría ser eso para Gaijin y que Argentina sea el subTT. Luego podrías agregar vehículos uruguayos y peruanos tanto en el TT como los de evento o premiums (similar a lo que ocurre con los demás TT).

Otra cosa que se me había ocurrido es hacer que el TT se llame Brazil/Argentina (como nombre de la nación) y que la bandera de esa nación sea la mitad Argentina y la otra mitad brasilera. Y ese es naturalmente en lugar donde irían los vehículos uruguayos y peruanos. Creo que el tema del nombre y la identidad nacional es fundamental para el TT. O no lo tendrán en cuenta para ser sugerido.

La bandera sería así

I attach some “nuggets” that could equip the different weapon systems.


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“Pepas” para el T-28
Skua (air-air)



Martín Pescador (air-surface) for different weapon systems



SUE too


Technical data of the Martín Pescador

Weigh to the launching: 140kg
Warhead weigh: 40 kg
Longitude: 2,94 meters
Span: 0.73 meters
Diameter: 0.29 meters
Reach: between 2.5 and 9 kilometers (it depends on the launching platform)
Speed to the impact around Mach 1

Source: (data and profile of the missile) “Aeroespacio” (magazine of the Argentinean air force)


Minor update: Two vehicles added to the Ground TT

  • EE-11 Urutu (ET-20)(TT): placed after the M113 Oerlikon
  • T-55 TENSA (TT): in a folder with the Ti-67

do you have a picture of the T-55 TENSA ?

I doubt Gaijin would introduce a Tech Tree with two flags or names. However, it would be beneficial if feasible. I agree that featuring Brazil as the main country in the Tech Tree is a superior option for marketing and better representation of the Latin American community. It’s a practical way for Gaijin to make this a reality.


That’s right, you have to be pragmatic.

It is a matter of organizing the best possible proposal and then having the entire Latin American community support this, because it benefits us all. Such a technology tree opens the door to all vehicles in the region. In addition, it will attract hundreds of new players and even opens the door to a local server in the future.


CV9040 and CV9030 could also be added for Brazil since both units got tested by the Brazilian Army. In the early 2000’s and very recently in 2023.

The CV9030 is the MKIV hull for the CV90, which is an offer from Sweden to replace Brazil’s current Leopard 1A5BR with the CV90 integrated with the Centauro II turret.


Did Brazil placed any orders on the CV-90?

I understand that they only tested it. For now, it could eventually be a squad vehicle. What is certain is that we cannot fill the TT with test vehicles.

Not yet, but the Army has plans to open a new program to replace the Leopards.
So far the Brazilian Army checked the CV90 and the VT-4, they even painted one unit with their colors.


wow, I didn’t know about the VT-4. This is a great MBT

good contribution.

If I had to pick just 1 test vehicle for the TT, that would be a great candidate.

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I think the CV9030 would make more sense to be added since they actually tested here.

Kinda like the T-80U and Mi-28 for Sweden.

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I added the CV-90’s and VT-4 in the possible additions for the time being

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Some new pictures of the Brazilian Centauro II in tests.





