Rheinmetall 130 mm Demonstrator - Future Tanknology

quote me anywhere where i said germany needs it

not completly right, its a joint venture demonstrating the possibility and useability of the 130mm cannon, this was way before the KF51 as well. And was supposed to show germany just as much of the useability of this project and the cannon.
Rheinmetall just decided to go with the Challenger in this case instead of the standard leopard because they were expanding to the british market and it was the easier option
The end result is it being intended as a demonstrator for both GERMANY and the UK.
You just dont seem to understand this point and seem to only think that its targeted demographic was only the UK, fact is its both germany and uk, even if it is not apparant.

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By this logic we should see Swedish vehicles in the UK tree, which is ridiculous.

thats on Uk if they arent intrested in those vehicles, i am still right, the 130mm cannon is a major step and its for germany just as much as uk

Edit: thought you answered to my later explanation. obviously the initial one was me trolling with reasoning
Still like i explain later on its developed for germany just as much and never was supposed to be adopted by uk or germany

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This isn’t a Challenger 2.
Britain already has an equivalent vehicle as well that they themselves made.

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We don’t really, there’s high calibre guns, but only fired in test stands. But that’s fine lmao, there’s no need for complete “feature” parity between nations anyway, only balance.

Eh not really for UK, the MOD had already decided on standardising on 120 NATO by that point. As you said, and I’ve screamed till I’ve gone hoarse, the CR2/CR3 TD platform was chosen cause it was there, and the 130mm autoloader doesn’t fit in a Leopard 2 Turret. Does add a bit of security to the MOD though, shows it’s fairly easy to upgun the CR3 should the need arise in the future.

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Britain has (to my knowledge) only 1 potential up-gunned MBTs they could get, that being the…

130mm Demonstrator

Meanwhile Germany has potential for 3 (to my knowledge) up-gunned MBTs

Leopard 2 KWS III
Leopard 2-140 / Pz87-140

New event vehicle, just a test stand with a 130 mounted on it and a lawn mower engine.

no idea what that is but its not a real tank, its a fictional one
EDIT: if you mean this one, thats an mock up turret

that ones swiss so not garanteed for germany and could be a standalone or a sub tree for another nation for all we know

the KF 51 and the chally 130mm are the exact same situation , both models not in service by any nation.
Even more so for all we know gajin might decide the KF51 to be hungary only since they wanna put a 120mm version into service

The only other real option is the embt 140mm, but that ones wayyyyyy more advanced then any other upscaled gun

So like i have proven the rheinmetal 130mm demonstrator has equal opportunity to be added for germany , none of them were realy prototypes or adopted for germany specialy

Sooo… just a standard Challenger engine?

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I’m not too knowledgeable on Germany tank development so I might be wrong and or missing info. But from my casual research for Up-gunned tanks the Leopard 2 KWS III and Leopard 2-140 are hard to discern which is which so I apologize for any wrong information.

True. Also surprised Swiss tanks haven’t been added to the game yet either as sub-tree or event vehicles. Is there even enough Swiss tanks to justify a swiss tree/sub-tree?

I’ve personally become extremely uninterested in “Tech Demo” tanks coming to this game given Gaijin’s abberant treatment and behavior towards the CR3 TD. Either way regardless of which vehicle and to who it goes to, is going to be a mess and some group of players are going to be upset. The CR2 130 will be treated just as bad as the 3TD is, its not going to be a enjoyable tank.

Inb4 next April’s fool event is similar to Warfare 2077 but they just have the next gen tanks. AbramsX, EMBTs, etc etc.

depends who you ask @Mahiwew there are very vocal voices for it, even if i think after benelux its very very unlikely

not quite, the frontal additional armor very likely is the german revolution poack armor, SO it gets some additional turret armor

Nah, it;s the same turret base as cr2 and the cr3 td, just with a new frontal turret armour package

Yes there are, scroll down to Switzerland here List of Previously Suggested Ideas - Other Nations Ground Forces

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so chally + revolution package

Won’t be enough evidence for Gaijin to model and armour improvements besides basic RHA.

Its a Tech Demo so Gaijin will pull the “Tech Demo” excuse and remove features because “It wouldn’t have these because its a demo tank”.

See 3TD removed features.

  • Turret Spall Liners

  • Blowout Panels

  • Nerfed engine power based on the Production CR3.

if i followed to whole thing right, the real chally 3 td wasnt able to use the engine power either

a lot tanks dont have them, besides that with the 130mm cannon its a balancing factor honestly

Its not about the 3TD having it or not. Gaijin goes and nerfs the engine BECAUSE the real Challenger 3 will have a 1200hp engine. The Real CR3 =/= 3TD. They have a double standard for the 3TD. Its gets features removed because its a demo tank, then gets nerfed based off the production tank.

again, the chally never had access to the power of the engine in the first place

Im too stupid to explain it properly and its already been explained better by someone who follows CR3 stuff more.

There is always this thing which would have poor electronics for top tier but it would at least have better protection and a larger gun

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That’s an interesting find. Thanks for posting this.

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