Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

When was this, the original TES release?

why would they? only reason we got spall liners is cause the russians got their first tank with it in the same update, so we either wait till they get a tank with regenerative steering, or accept it wont happen

remember kids, they will keep any non-russian vehicle/weapon nerfed until they have a russian version in the game.


I can name many third generation tanks which are worse than the Chally 2 (irl and ingame)

  • Ariete, T80, M84, TTD, T90, PT91, Arjun, Type 96 etc…

Theres more, but those are the ones produced at around the same time as the Challenger 2 (the 1990s)

Also, yes not all of those are western, but I think its better to look at the grand scheme of things and realise the Chally 2 was still a good tank globally when it was made. The Chally 2 was not made to fight western armour as it often does in WT.

People also forget one thing which the Challenger excels in and that is crew comfort and ergonomics, its a spacious tank which according to Ukrainian crews is a preferred over the Abrams or Leopard (i dont even need to mention Soviet tanks) to actually spend time inside of and live in. Your tank can be as good on paper as you want, but if they crew’s morale is low they’ll perform badly.

The Challenger has mostly suffered from a lack of meaningful upgrades over the years, which the Abrams and Leopard have had, not nescessarily from the fact the tank is bad at its core.


The reason for the lack of upgrades is due to our government being a load of penny pinchers, just without the backing of the american economy so its alot more pronounced. Just try and get them to add new upholstery to the challenger and youll get them complaining about the cost.

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Honestly I suspect I might never get round to finish researching it (reasons) but if I do it’ll sat unbought. I can’t justify 1.3 mil SL on it.

The problem isn’t even about the 1200hp engine. It’s the fact they double standard it left right and centre. From my understanding the tank that IRL forms the 3TD did genuinely have a 1500hp engine fitted. There are issues with it, namely the cooling, but it was still fitted iirc.

The problem is for me, that the justification for them nerfing it or “correcting” it is that on the Production version it has been confirmed in a Parliamentary Question that CR3 will have 1200hp engine (questionable decision, but there we are) - this is (understating a bit) a slight issue, as the tank we have in game is the “Technology Demonstrator” - not the actual production tank.

Gaijin’s justification is that they are using the production tank as grounds to nerf it… so Problem Number One it needs a rename.

Problem Number Two is that… if we’re going to use the Production version as grounds for nerfing it needs to be grounds for buffing… which means, we should be getting Spall Liners. It needs uparmouring from the CR2 (since, well, it’s a new type of armour and it’d be pointless to design a brand new turret for it to have less armour) - it also needs an LWS, an APS (since I have no idea if it has them in game and I can’t be bothered to check, I assume it does not)


Has the LWS, not the APS, and we’d probably not see the APS if CR3 is added at first due to APS installations being ad hoc and mounted as required for operations

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8 months ago i could reliable kill BVMs leo2s etc with it.
now its become unplayable completely.

im trying right now to make it work, cant do a thing, hop in an abrams or T80 and im wracking up kills and assists like no ones business. the chally 2s are in a sorry, sorry state rn

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its a damn shame man, damn shame

oh also has anyone noticed how fucking loud the chally 2s and 1s are now?

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I mean the CR1s and 2s have always been quite noisy but…

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CR2s are quiet because your hull down on a hill waiting for get farmed through your mantlet.


Glorified Casemate you say?

What it feels like.

How does Gaijin decide what armour is high hardness or just normal rolled armour?

If we could get some of the armour plates changed to high hardness the Chally 2 could become quite a bit more tanky. For example getting the outer/inner plates on the LFP and turret changed to high hardness would help a lot, without actually getting the armour thickness increased.

The Leopards, Arietes, Leclerc, VT4, STRV-122 all feature this to a degree, so it could be possible


In some cases there are sources that state what metal is used. In other cases, they make guesstimates on what would most likely be used. Also photos on ballistic tests can tell to a certain degree due to different behaviours from HHA and RHA.

Fun fact, the side skirts on the newer leopard 2’s found on D tech side skirts aren’t HHA, they’re composite.

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seriously man try do anything that isnt letting people roll into your LOS is a death sentence, im trynna spade the tes now, coming back from the BK and 2E and its torture.

The chally 2s feel like theyre made out of paper when in reality theyre great for defence

or the fact the chally 3 TD is a mix mash and doesnt have the correct armours at all.

ive got all the challys bar the 3TD now seeing as its HP got nerfed, and its armour is incorrect, ive decided to try and spade the challanger 2 TES, it has become a bloody chore, the L27A1 round is pretty pathetic in comparisson to other top tier rounds, the mobility is god awful, the ERA does absolutely nothing seeing as most ATGMs are tandem and go through it, or the fact most auto cannons can pen it easily anyway. And it has a giant table on the roof designed to jam IEDs im sure but ofc thats useless in game and just gives the position away.

I thought the chally 2s where great when i first got them as they were my first top tier,… but now after getting 4 other nations to the same BR i realise how bad they actually are and how difficult it is to make them work effectively.

Don’t talk about my beloved M-84 like that :(