I think how id re-balance the Secondary and AA guns on ships is this
Secondary guns
Leave them how they are vs PT boats, but with a reduced detection range. Maybe 3km? Their current accuracy is pretty low anyway and they often dont hit anything
Increase secondary gun accuracy vs heavier targets like Destroyer. Really no reason why only 5% of your secondary shells even land close to something like a destroyer. Some 4inch shells arent gunna change much if you are slamming 6 or 8 inch shells into them anyway (yes I know you have the fire both at the same time thing, but that needs to be toggle-able via a keybind)
Secondary guns vs aircraft… Tricky, because i dont think they are that bad. Just reduce the range at which they start firing at targets (maybe 6km?) and perhaps add a bit of spread, but not more than maybe 10-20% in-accuracy. More than that and theyd be totally useless and leading HE-VT shells properly is really hard and I dont think the timed fuses work at all when player fired.
AA Guns
I think they should still fire, but have both accuracy nerfs and range nerfs. But it to be dependent on:
- Class of ship firing
- Class of ship being attacked
- Range
- Calibre of gun
So for something like a PT boat, AA guns shouldnt fire until maybe 500m-1000m in something like a cruiser, but maybe more like 1500m in a battleship. But something like a destoyer wouldnt fire at all, no matter the range. The accuracy to vary from calibre size and the range from target. Like 12.7mm MGs perhaps to be fairly accurate but heavier 40mm guns to have more a spread as the target gets closer.
Same should be true for aircraft as well. Have some guns have really poor accuracy at range like the 12.7mm MGs but have the 40mm guns reasonably accurate but still less than now. Also drop down the range that guns start firing at. So you get this real spread of fire that would look awesome to fly into, but maybe not be as deadly.
I think guns should have sectors. So youd not find yourself with every single gun firing at you unless it was player controlled. Only a selection.
Now as an alternative, you could have some guns fire at aircraft with AI fire and others wont. so maybe lighter armament would be AI controlled but the heavier guns didnt. But thats tricky
Ultimately. I feel there is a middle ground. Current AI control is too much, but no AI control would be just as bad. We need something in the middle and I think it needs to vary from situation to situation