Responding to the Severe Damage feedback & release time

true, but it should affect all vehicles equally.

it means that challenges, quests, vehicle skins and things like that now progress faster for everyone.

This is not correct. For example, let’s think about this situation:

You have a plane with bad guns. In the old system destruction of the enemy plane gave you 100% rewards. In the new system only 80% (so your rewards are reduced). At the same time, it will be very hard for you to finish the target with bad guns.

You have a plane with good guns. In the new system it will be much easier for you to kill the target immediately, and you will also get more opportunities to finish other players targets (and “steal” part of their rewards).

What I’m saying is that some specific planes can increase their efficiency with the severe damage mechanics, and this can lead to their BR changes.

I meant that you are correct and from the BR balancing perspective K:D in the service records shouldn’t matter. Assuming we understand the efficiency in a correct way (based on the quote from my previous post).


Yeah but all that existed before when a kill was just a kill

but now two players get it instead of one. its going to make completion of those faster and easier.

But…here’s a radical thought…i don’t WANT a severe damage kill instead of a full one. And the reason is they are not on my permanent record and if it is not on your permanent record it never happened. in my mind I am getting shagged out of kills and its not like those come so easy to me that I can just give them away to other players. So, no, I don’t think I’m getting a ‘kill’ along with another player. The other player is getting a kill and i am getting nothing worth noting on my service record.

uhm… that is exactly what they changed with the latest update…

Well then something is wrong because severe damage kills are not showing up on my record.

are you on Xbox or Playstation? because those usually get the update like 1-2 weeks later.

No just my home pc

is your client up to date?
If it is and you are still not getting the kill on your record then make a bug report here.

Thank you!

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That’s a pretty decent idea.
If somebody is shooting at a burning plane - most of the time he’s wasting ammo and trying to killsteal. If it.extinguishes and js visibly capable of RTB, being a danger - fair game.

The biggest problems with severe damage:

  • critical hits disappeared and while scoring 12 kills in 1 battle I scored 1 crit. So.we.don’t even know if some decent damage got delivered. I mean I can live with this, but ir’s kinda annoying
  • severe damage is broken, because instead of destroying elevator controls and/or elevator itself, now it’s enough to just make horizontal stabilizer black. Which, in game terms, doesn’t really do anything. It’s hilarious that I can succesfully score 2-3 kills with this condition only to get epsteined by the game once the match ends
  • it encourages astronomic ammo waste. Certain planes have paper tails. Other have tails made of titanium coated with depleted uranium and carbon composite and these just refuse to fall off. So a plane is burning, both wings missing, tail controls missing, black fuselage and it’s still “alive” so killstealers keep diving and firing and usually fail anyway. Hilarious, but then it turns out they dove 2,5km.down, bypassing q Spitfire that flew 1300m below them and about to attack my poor Fw 190. Then said Spitfire dives and kills everyone instead of getting killed in 3 v 1. Great fun indeed.
    Of course killstealers are not valuable players anyway, but this makes them even more useless.

Yeah, I don’t understand how planes that are clearly “destroyed” are not counted destroyed until they finally crash into the count.

No controls, spinning, burning. What’s so hard to determine that the plane is going to crash into the ground after 10-20 seconds?


Well, remember, these are the same guys who decided to make black stabilizer a severe damage condition, while loss of tail control lines and/or physical removal of elevator - not. How long have they been fixing this elevator thing already? 5 months?
It took them like a year to bring 13mm HEIT tracers back, meanwhile MK103 incendiary shell continues to be useless super-weak HE with instant fuse (similar story goes for japanese APHE which also has 0 fuse delay), so fixing bugs and polishing out issues with game mechanics seems to be pretty damn low on corporate priority list.


That’s for sure 🤔

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Not sure where to put this but had this happen in the jav which was “Considered” severely damaged and written off.
(Even though it didn’t even hinder it’s flight performance.)


This is something I reported a long time ago. Your horizontal stabilizers were black, and that’s why you were written off.

You can join my bug report, but to be honest, reporting logical bugs in this game doesn’t make much sense:

My report wasn’t even passed to the devs after 4 months. And there is a chance it will be closed with “not a bug” some day. Because for bug moderators it doesn’t matter that the minor damage that doesn’t really affect flight performance is for some unknown reason considered severe damage. This is a logical bug, they usually don’t care about such things.

I’m pretty sure that some day, when the devs notice this problem, they will fix it, because this situation simply doesn’t make sense. But this may take years, as players have no way to contact the devs and report this problem, they will be blocked by bug moderators.


For what it’s worth, when this happened to me (I got ‘severe damaged’ by black stabilisers not affecting my flight control), and I lasted until end of the match (with no other real damage) and got the “written off” message (expected as per being counted as ‘severely damaged’), when I got back to hangar I found the plane wasn’t completely damaged. i.e. not a full repair bill/time. It just had light damage and some little 170SL repair bill (and the equivalent small amount of repair time).

I’m not sure if this is how it always happens as I think I’ve only finished on black stabilisers/severe damage the one time. At least, I only noticed it the once. (I’ve finished on severe damage several times, but that was when my plane has been truly severely damaged).

So while annoying to be written off (and any tally board stats for that), it may not actually destroy your vehicle with regards to repair costs. (Unless I managed to hit some one-off bug)

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To be honest, I personally don’t care about the repair cost. It just feels unfair to me to be killed just because I had a very light damage. It doesn’t happen often, so it’s not a big deal for me, but it’s still a problem.

It’s also confusing in battles, because I sometimes shoot the enemy and see “severe damage” message, I think this guy is seriously damaged (like the message suggests), so I leave him. But it turns out to be just a light damage from black horizontal stabilizers, and this guy is perfectly fine and can fight me back on equal terms. I had this situation in the past, and I even died a few times because of this. For me personally this is the biggest problem of this bug, the confusion caused by incorrect messages.

Everyone who plays the game should know that black horizontal stabilizers are not really affecting the flight performance of the plane. So how can this be considered “severe damage”? There is no logic here. It’s even funnier, when you see this:

They clearly wrote here that the light damage shouldn’t be counted as severe damage. But this is still the case with the black horizontal stabilizers. So it’s surely a bug, just a bug that you can’t report to the devs because of the broken bug reporting system.

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Wrong reply.