Responding to the Severe Damage feedback & release time

If you want full credit then do the full kill - as has always been the case!

This is not correct. In the old system you would get kills sooner. The severe damage mechanics delays kills. You need to damage the enemy more than previously to get the full kill credit.
Just read the quote in my previous post, it’s all explained there. Especially the last part.


In the old system you could have a seriously damaged aircraft “killed” by someone else and you got an assist.
If you want a full kill credit then you need to finish them off - just like always.

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In the old system severe damage was called a destruction. It’s all explained in the quote. I made it shorter:

If an aircraft is damaged to the extent where it would have been counted as being destroyed previously, this new mechanic will count it as severely damaged. No destruction or death will be credited until the severely damaged aircraft is further finished off.

Old system: severe damage = destruction with a full kill credit (including service record kill) and 100% of rewards. Finishing destroyed plane = assist (that counts for tasks and challenges) with 67% of kill rewards.
New system: severe damage = partial kill credit (that counts for tasks and challenges) with 80% of rewards. Finishing severely damaged plane = full kill credit (including service record kill) and 40% of kill rewards.

That’s how the severe damage mechanics works in general. You can find details about it in this topic, because some additional conditions were also changed.


Well done for missing the point - which is that you should finish kills to get the full kill credit - NO MATTER THE SYSTEM.

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Fight Club - Imgflip


I understand this part, that’s why I’m not arguing with it. I’m an Arcade player, so for me it’s normal.

I only tried to explain the part, when you said that nothing has changed between both systems in the kill credit, because this is not correct. It was easier to get full kills before. The new system requires you to damage the plane more to get the same kill credit as in the old system. Destruction in the old system was worth the same as severe damage + finishing in the new system.

So I only wanted to correct this part, that’s all. My impression was that you misunderstood the new system. Because the truth is, many players did.

BTW: This reminded me a situation I had yesterday, when I played Air Realistic battle:


For some reason most players think the severe damage mechanics was introduced to prevent such situations. But that’s not the case. Everything is fine in this situation. I got an assist, because I didn’t damage the enemy enough for it to be considered severely damaged (destroyed in the old system).

It’s just funny how the mentality of some players allows them to praise the new system they don’t even understand. This situation is not a bug in the severe damage mechanics. I just didn’t do enough damage, that’s all, the severe damage mechanics has nothing to do with this situation. In the old or new system the result is exactly the same, only an assist.


Oh dear, this is such an eye opener into why it isn’t working for SIM, because its made for RB/AB. In SIM I’d prefer to leave a good player to limp home injured because it’ll take him out of the match longer, if someone else wants to chase him for the kill then that’s on him, he’ll get dragged to the deck in enemy airspace and pay for his greed. Kill stealing has never been as much of a problem in SIM as it’s been made about here.

I’m also tired of spinning down from 3km with one wing missing at the root when it’s obvious I won’t pull out, before this update the game would consider me dead and kick ne out, now it’s just spinnig for 3 minutes.

How bout new players trying out sim? They get one shotted and killed from a glancing shot and never get the thrill of a fight and never come back.

I feel like the programmers have been forced to solve something by the company and gone full malicious compliance.

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Severe damage mechanism follows tighter standard for a complete kill than before.

For example, you could get a kill by applying 80~90 damage out of a 100 HP target, so if the target’s lucky enough, it could still fly and do some tricks with its 10~20 hp left.

However, severe damage mechanism requires 90~100 damage out of a 100 hp target for a kill. Applying 80~90 damage is now considered as a ‘severe damage’, and it doesn’t guarantee you a kill record anymore.

“Then do 90~100 damage to get a kill!” >>> It’s not really that simple because this game is not based on the simple HP mechanism. You could pour even more damage in this game, well let’s say 120~200 damage, on a 100 hp target and make it into a burning fireball which is obviously not airworthy anymore. But it’s still not counted as a kill if its pilot is still alive and its tail is still attached.


Like this.

It actually allows more time and chances for the killstealers to simply put a spoon on it and take the kill record.


I really wish putting a plane on fire would guarantee a kill even if someone else finishes it off.

Like sure, don’t reward severe damage immeidately because you can put out. However, make it so that you still get “severely damaged kill counted” if someone else shoots a burning plane down.

A lot of planes got very limited ammo. A king cobra will run out of its shots very quickly if you waste them for instance. Why should the cobra linger and risk getting third partied and waste their small ammo count after the enemy started smoking to get proper kill credit?

Even if the enemy did put the flames out, them being on fire has likely incapacitated them for its duration as they tried to snuff it out by turning off engine or rapidly pitching up/down. It makes sense to get “severely damaged kill counted” during this period.


Even back in WWII there was methods for eliminating fires.

Feathering and diving during a flameout could put the fires out. Which you can do in the game. Having someone catch you on fire shouldn’t just be a kill unless it actually does incapacitate the crew or burns down the plane.


Yes, it shouldn’t be a kill.

But if a teammate shoots them down while burning, the kill credit should go to the person who ignited them.


Nah, absolutely not. As soon as I catch fire, I shut off all engines on the plane. I then proceed into a dive. If I have fire suppression I activate that. I’m able to put out a lot of fires. Then depending on the damage I keep fighting or fly back for repairs.

I’ve managed to stay in the fight and still do good work after catching fire before.

Pretty sure that it’s basically RNG whether a fire goes out, just how it’s RNG whether a round starts a fire.

The whole mechanic is very poorly modeled, no physics or anything applies.

You get hit in the bottom of a tank by a .50cal API and your plane burns down, even though that wouldn’t happen in RL unless in specific instances.

Of course we don’t need super realistic damage model but at least the ammo should work in such way that it emulates realistic performance, which isn’t really the case in the game.
To this day 20mm rounds are simply worse in setting fires than .50cals, even when they are both the same type of ammo and the 20mm carries more incendiary content.

While explosive and AP rounds go up in damage with caliber, it’s not the case for incendiary or explosive-incendiary rounds.

A .50cal M23 Incendiary bullet with 5.83g of flash powder has a higher fire chance than a 23mm API that has the same amount.

But since the M23 doesn’t penetrate and just makes a tiny poof, it’s practically useless as ammo over .50cal API.

Also a case of bad ammo modeling.

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I just looked to see if my experience was just one off. I looked and it is definitely a modeled feature, cutting engine power and diving is the way to go. If the fire is not too severe you can kill it this way.

I don’t often stick up for Gaijin but this is one thing they have done correctly. It shouldn’t just be a free kill “just because”.

I’m actually sick of this. The damage modelling used to be so good, you could tell what you got hit by- 12mms holes, 20mm holes, now it’s always a wing ripped off at the root. And the game would J you out with this much damage, now it’s a puke ride to the deck.

This is an interesting change to the severe damage mechanics. I haven’t tested this yet, but now both players (severe damage and finisher) should get a full kill credit, including the service records kill credit.

I know many players wanted it, so here it is. I just wonder will it affect the BR changes. There is a chance more popular planes will increase their BRs in the next BR changes, as their efficiency will increase (they will get more kills than before). Time will tell, but at least the full kill credit matter (which was definitely controversial) has now been resolved.


I doubt it will have any effect. As all it does is fix a feature that was stated to be part of the severe damage system

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Maybe someone could make this complicated discussion simple for me…when i get a sever damage kill I should be happy because…go…tell me why I should like this.

efficiency isn’t counted on K/D ratios. its based on earned SL/RP per spawn.