Massive issues to them =/= massive issues to me if I’m the developer.
Every customer in every industry ever will complain that “prices for this product are higher than I’d prefer” if you give them the chance. Duh. (In this case, the “price” of the product is effectively how slow it is to progress, since speeding progress is the monetized part of the game).
Just saying “Oh you want lower prices? Well why didn’t you say so earlier! Sure!!!” does not make your business more successful… They were not deaf to all the economy feedback, they just weren’t idiots. As long as people keep paying more than the drop in customers removes (i.e. you haven’t reached the market clearing price yet), you increase prices, not decrease.
When there’s a big pushback and a review bomb, that just means “You reached or exceeded the market clearing price, bring it back down, bit too far, whoops”, which they did. Same as McDonalds accidentally pricing a burger too high, not seeing as many sales as they expected, and making it a bit cheaper again.
None of this implies blindness, stupidity, bad design, or any such things, necessarily.
Hell, we found out just today the bug reporting system didn’t even work right. Imagine taking all the tedious steps Gaijin expects you to make to file a bug report, doing so years ago, and finding out it probably got marked incorrectly because of a poorly implemented system.
They actually said it wasn’t marked INFORMATIVELY, not functionally incorrectly. I.e. everything that was filtered out would have been filtered out anyway, just possibly under a more informative label, as far as I understand. That’s not really “broken” that’s just “not transparent”, not the same thing.
I’m sorry but what is the point of this whole forum system and bug reporting system, community managers, and site-specific moderators if feedback isn’t even collected properly?
I haven’t seen anything that says it wasn’t collected properly.
And even then, 9 out of 10 times, nothing ever comes of it.
if 1 out of 10 ideas from players is actually a good, sensible idea, then this community would be overwhelmingly better at suggesting things than most video game communities. That would be amazing results for a feedback system.
I don’t mean “historically technically correct” I mean “good for the GAME”. See example above: guy who wanted to break the BR balancing of every single WWII German airplane for basically no reason. Doesn’t matter if he was historically correct, that is a very bad suggestion that should not be implemented.
Let’s stick with your car example. You want to make a car to sell. After coming up with something, you ask several others what we think of it. The color options are pretty good. The stereo is crips, clear, loud, all good. The air condition could be colder but it works. But the engine is sluggish and the transmission is janky. It’s frankly an uncomfortable ride
Except that these don’t really line up with most of what we see in War Thunder. 90% of bug report things I see are either 1) Some infinite variation of “Make it cheaper I dun wunna spend money” or 2) Historical accuracy with no consideration having been taken for whether it makes the game actually more fun or not. Neither is a good analogy for your examples here, all of which are actually about the car being more useful and fun, etc.