map placement, where they shoot you allowing you to then kill them. grouping together too much or being completely blind
If they really want to push this ridiculous ‘authentication’ they should at least apply it to all top MBTs at the same time. We all know it would take a million years for gaijin to apply this to specific countries.
Are you saying this statistically or physcially, I’m curious?
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gaijin is comically slow so theyve added it to the most frequent vehicles first. Challenger, ariete and others will be within the nest two updates most likley
We aren’t ignoring that fact. It shouldn’t be happening to the Leopard either. But the Leopard has been the meta for a while and has gotten a little love over the past couple of years. While it has its share of armor bugs, the newest models are at least an improvement over earlier models. And spall liners were a huge benefit to the Leopard. The USA has had to make do with its newest Abrams being worse than the preceding ones and zero spall protection. Plus the Abram’s has its own share of acknowledged bugs that have not been acted on.
So bad and forgotten that they don’t even get universal nerfs with the rest of the game 😭
the challenger isnt worse than ariete as it has some armour.
From a gameplay and design standpoint, the current damage model (without the basket, with more empty space under the turret) penalizes players who hit the center of mass area where there is nothing to damage, even though they did everything right and landed a shot in this area.
A center mass shot usually critically damages something at the very least and kills the crew at the very most on every Abrams and every Leopard 2 except the 2A7 and Strv 122. Nerf spall liners instead of nerfing tanks that do not need to be nerfed.
From our perspective, we want to avoid penalizing the player who managed to land a shot on the enemy first, reducing those frustrating moments of penetrating a vehicle without doing any meaningful damage — even though the round passed through a significant amount of the interior.
Why did you add spall liners then, which does exactly what you say you want to avoid?
On the dev server, we modelled several electrical parts in the basket as part of the damage model. However since then, we’ve removed most of them and now only the turret basket floor will be part of the horizontal aiming drive (see below).
So there will still be center mass shots that don’t disable the horizontal aiming drive. I thought you said you wanted to avoid those kind of shots, not just reduce.
You are making it seem like its the players of US’s fault, when you cannot fully attribute it to that lol.
The turret ring is crazy being allowed like that. 15,000 battles in, and the abrams are the easiest targets, not because of players, but because of the tanks themselves.
Yeah. I love the look of the Chally but it without a doubt the most painful MBT to play. It’s completely inflexible in its play style.
youre saying this to someone who uses challenger 2 at top tier you don’t know how good you have it
Ufp thickness, hydraulic pump, fuel tank bulkhead are the acknowledge one but all are more than 6 months old
The other issue are like gunner sight overpressure, gun shield weird overpressure, armor calculation are questionable(for M1A1 specifically), TUSK protection are well under the standard ERA package protection(your saying that thing has the same protection value as the M60A1 Rise(p) ERA??? And now this which turret basket producing more spall
chally suffer for sure
reinforce paper vs paper
I’m simply saying that a “big 3” nation having sub 40% win-rate is NOT only player issue but vehicle issue. Playing the PUMA I can reliably pen the front of Americas top MBT. Can’t do that with most other nations.
(im not even an america player lol)
I’ll have to hit you with the infamous ‘Yes, but…’
The abrams is a perfectly capable MBT, and when played to it’s strengths is almost top of it’s class.
However now that the playerbase has memorised the weakspots (none of which can be addressed with DU btw US mains) it loses almost all of it’s defensivse posture.
As a result of poor doctrinal decisions and a lack of up-armouring the weakspots themselves (turret ring and breach) then you have a situation where you can pile however much protections into the cheeks and glacis, but the tank will in practice never get more armoured
Good! Some balance. Since they made Russian tanks terrible with the slightest sliver of spall destroying it, I hope the same happens for these tanks :)
That’s not what happened… people where breaking fourm rules.