The argument that they don’t want to “punish players who make the correct play” is hilarious. War Thunder is all about RNG. It has always been filled with moments where the Snail decides to punish the player even when they make the correct play. I will never forget the game where a T-80BVM swallowed TWO rounds of DM53 into its sides before finally noticing and deleting my 2A6. I rage quit for a couple of days after that!
Maybe Gaijin should fix stuff before adding more complexity to tank models?
You can use statshark now too
You asked what you did wrong, I gave you the answer, you got screwed by Gaijin with your shot then screwed yourself by reversing and turning side on, but actually re watching it you had a red barrel/ breech when you shot (I missed that the 1st time), so that’s another thing you did wrong, shooting with a damaged gun, most of the energy of the shot probably went into blowing up you own gun.
Learn to read context brother.
Apparently still enough energy to knock out the ammo rack blast door though.
Ask specific questions if you don’t want general answers.
And yeah I think that shot should have spalled the driver at least but I don’t make gaijins damage models so all I can say is
If you want to speak of context, you asked to have your screw ups pointed out I said you screw ups where AFTER the shot… read between the lines.
God its even worse than I thought
Its wild. Every other Rank 8, top-tier tank is sitting above a 50% win rate except the Abrams and the Challengers. The SEPV2 is at 38%. SEPV is at 40%, and the M1A2 is at 42%. And the plan is to make them worse?
I mean thats from player skill issue not vehicle issue
Abrams still didnt get their issues fix and theres prolly new issues now
Also armor is iffy at best(the A1 is an example of how did gaijin calculate the armor)
I like the change and I think its a good one, but should they come with the fixes, at least for the abrams that were already accepted more than 1 year ago ?? Thanks for the feedback regarding the turret basket 😁
I had something even funnier.
Guy survived a direct hit from conqueror into his crotch.
I quoted somebody claiming that if they shot somewhere and did no damage, it must be their fault.
It seems me assuming that War Thunder users can utilize critical thinking to understand that I was only speaking in context of the shot itself was a miscalculation. My apologies, it won’t happen again
See above
Daym what’s happened here? Why 1/3 of comments is hidden 😭
Probably nation mains loosing their **** and verbally attacking each other lol
America mains seething forgetting that the leo 2 also received this
*People who enjoy playing US top-tier watching their tanks, which are the lowest performing MBTs, receive another nerf and are using what limited means they can to voice said frustration to CMs who will probably ignore it anyway.
Fixed your message there.
How much can you actually attribute to player vs skill issue?
Ariete and challenger exist. Stop whining that the first and second best MBTs wont be so far ahead