certain shells are given a lower chance of detonating, especially some russian ones. meanwhile HESH which physically cant detonate when hit will blow your tank up like it will full of gunpowder
I agree with all but the last, the Skill issue is partially true, and bad modeling makes the abrams more powerful than it is due to the lack of damage. The abrams can certainly be good in the right hands, as many tanks can be
It would be nice if they modeled what kinds of shells you brought along. Say 10 APFSDS and 2 Heat as an example.
This will end up like the spall liners. Maybe one or two tanks will get it and then no other tank gets it.
Pretty sure this is against TOS, but as I said it doesn’t eliminate total risk.
German and USA mains voices are the loudest.
how is it against TOS? Yes but don’t you see how big this explosions are. The ammo should dude this in game not turn yellow.
Bruh… So maybe for like 1-3 years leos and m1s will be very disadvantaged cuz devs will forget to update others horizontal drive. Its so stupid that they are adding unfinished feature just for few tanks😑
Also nice if they modeled buddy lasing
You are correct. Is it the worst tank in the game? Absolutely not. But the other two members of the “Big Three” have more forgiving lineups. That plus premium spam and some really crippling bugs(principally the turret ring) hamper the Abram’s greatly. Fixing the turret ring so that it couldn’t be easily destroyed by every auto cannon in the game from the front would be a huge boon.
I have no problem with Abrams. Even playing at the very bottom of the list they are easily killed by 3BM42 or L26. And what they do in public random is just terrible. I have good Abrams players in my regiment, but they are so diluted with crazy Abrams that sometimes a good Abrams player is an ancient myth.
There’s been RU tanks irl that have survived many hits, some including ammo. It’s based on chance. Just like hitting the ammo directly in a Strv 101 or a Turm 3 directly and they don’t explode…
I mean, the Abrams tanks do have a plethora of issues that affect them negatively, including but not limited to:
1- Still missing a properly modelled volumetric turret ring.
2- Still missing proper fuel tank bulkhead plates’ thicknesses.
3- Still missing proper fuel tank bulkhead armor geometries/plates.
4- SEP and SEPv2 still missing their improved turret armor.
5- SEPv2 still unable to take off the dead weight called TUSK II (it should be an optional modification).
6- M1A1 AIM still missing its historical KE-W A2 shell even though other Abrams tanks at the exact same BR use M829A2, which is even better.
7- M1A2 SEPv2 still missing its historical M829A3 shell for no particular reason even though Gaijin officially stated that it would still be balanced (at least that new shell would make it feel like an actual upgrade in ONE aspect…)
8- Misplacement of the hydraulic pump.
9- Hydraulic pump being taken out should lead to manual targetting (slower traverses), not full turret blockage.
However, I hate when some U.S mains burst in saying that they are the worst tanks in the game and making comical claims such as that Base M1A1 should have 600mm KE DU hulls and stuff like that.
They take away all seriousness from the actually legitimate concerns by making a fool of those who want these tanks to be properly modelled.
The data we, as players, can see says otherwise. 38 is a small number than 40, 42, 50, and 51. The US’s highest top tier tank is the lowest performing 12.0 MBT currently available. Why is there more effort in regards to making it worse than improving it? Where are the DU armor improvements? Where are the muntions specifically meant to defeat ERA?
Well yes and no, auto cannons can pierce the top part of the turret ring irl as it’s exposed from the turret ring armor, the lower half is a different case. Where it WOULD stop auto cannons, but that’s about it
Even in this form I am against it
You think M1A2 SEP is worse than the Arietes or the Challenger 2s? Like, genuinely?
You said you blocked me earlier, so I don’t know if you will see this- but I am genuinely curious. If you really do, I’ll take that block as a compliment.
This doesn’t even make sense because they didn’t model any struts or connections. So the bottom plate is it and it magically stops the top one?
Abrams should get handheld laser designator for commander too, if they exist.
@UniqueScorpions do you know if there are any hand held laser designators (for airstrikes)?
Pretty sure the DU turret was only in the SepV2 and onward.
Secondly, fixing the geo errors of the bull would nerf it more. As that’s currently what is eating rounds / spall en masse