I agree they should just straight up completely remove the forgiving teamkill system because its completely flawed.
whenever i accidently team kill sombody which is close to never, nobody ever forgives my team kill apology even if its an accident.
Or if i get team killed by sombody on purpose they apolgize and i dont mean to forgive them but when they do apolgize the game makes me accept their apology no matter what.
Like for example when sombody kills me and then apolgizes and i just do nothing about it and then like 10 minutes later i just want to use quick chat and i use the keybind i set up to do quick chat but when i click it, it forgives them when i had no intention of forgiving them i just wanted to use quick chat.
If gaijin doesnt want to remove the forgiving team kill system im fine with that but they just need to change it so forgiving/accepting teamkill keybind is different from the quick chat keybind.