what do you mean? that can still happen if 4 player play russia you can just put 2 of each in each team, we dont need more players for that
I’m thankful top tier mixed battle in GRB happens once in a blue moon, that thing is atrocious.
Non mixed matchmaking only works when all nations are equal. You can see the effects of non mixed matchmaking in GRB. The meta nation wins everytime. The non-meta nations just have to hope they are matched with the meta nations.
In air at the moment that is probably the US. Before the F-16C it was the Soviets/Germany with the Mig-29. Before that it was the Soviets with the Mig-23MLD. Mixed matchmaking is the only way to ensure that games dont end before they’ve even begun
Why? Because you don’t like playing against one nation?
Simply false.
How can you guarantee your team will have the same number of players playing meta nations as the enemies ?
nobody complains as much about a certain nation if every team has that nation
You are extremely naive.
not realy, more like you dont see the benefit in it and are a kind of pursit for nations again nations, when every nations nearly has the same vehicles to begin with
Very wrong. This community is just extremely toxic and will complain about anything. Even if Russia had 0% win rate the community would still cry about Russia.
no no not realy, i have no problem with saying that as example they have major problems in the plane cas department and need a thermal pod. but as it stands the panstsir is a lot stronger as example as other spaas, just because you feel that way doesnt mean everyone feels that way.
As it stands pure nation matchmaking is just useless since most trees at several tiers already have equipment of other nations to begin with and you know thats ture
MIG-29 performs better in 1 circle in real life , yet the F-16 is doing better in 1 circle by a lot compared to M-29 and Mirage2K. There are thing in which each one of these planes are better at IRL, but in game F-16 is the best at all.
Agreed also ground battle too i missed realistic team pairing system like before that US always with Brits i really hate mixed battle it like arcade WoT (in truth i wanna kill Russians not helping them)
Remove this matchmaker already
how about no, only for 1 team to completly dominate because its full of the meta plane of the update, its the most stupiest idea you could have