Remove mixed matchmaking at TOP TIER AIR RB

It just is not fun fighting the exact same plane you are using, any country can be with any country but please stop putting every country on both sides.


Should remove it in ground battle too


+1, but its rarer in ground , IN AIR %95 OF MATCHES ARE COMPLETELY MIXED BATTLES




If they remove mixed battle, small nations gonna wait for hours … ^^


no, you just put them on 1 team, it literally makes no difference for them, lmao. Minor nations already are not mixed, you do not see them on both teams. are you high?


YES, SEAL CLUBBING AT TOP TIER what are you talkin about?

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İ dont like flying with my Mig-29 or F-16 or F-14B against Mig29 or F-16 or F-14B as well.

Current MM is stupid, it should be historical where Russia, East Germany and China teams up against rest of the nations.


Thats literally the most 1 dimension type gameplay the game ever had and glad its rare now

For you maybe, for us not so much.

This is a personal opinion so differences are normal.


As far as i would like it to fly red vs blue, the disbalance between nations is just to big.

Especially @ Toptier we’ve already hat the pleasure to fly with everything vs the USA and got crushed bc of the differences in tech/weaponry & BR Balance.


At this point I’d say we need more mixed match making across tiers.

The only time I can get a decent match when I’m not playing the US is when the US is on both sides since they are clearly winning more matches according to the heat map.

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İf Gaijin fix the mess he caused on Mig29’s fm then Russia+East Germany+China vs Rest of nations will be pretty balanced.


Before you could turn at MACH 1 forever in MIG-29, in SMT after 1-2 turns af full WEP you drop down to 500-600 KPH, R73 gets 1 tap flared at 1.5KM+, meanwhile F-16 can turn forever at MACH1+ and 9M is very hard to dodge.

The 15 TAPS of CM isnt enough on MIG-29 (CHAFF / FLARE MIX EACH TAP USES 2 CHAFF 2 FLARES), they could have given the ACTUAL NON EXPORT SMT with 120 something countermeasures but instead they gave the garbage 60 CM export 1996 version


There are too many players in the United States and the Soviet Union.
And I think if the United States doesn’t exist on both sides, then F16C will destroy everything


Yep, i am starting to think that the reason Gaijin makes matches mixed at top tier is because they dont want people to realize how Opressive USA is at top tier. Infinite missile spam with the best missiles.

Before it was the garbage R-60M vs the 9L
Now it is the R-73 vs the better 9M


I think it’s really because the current USA is too strong. Many people will choose USA. If USA can only appear on one side, it will result in a long matching time

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Good , if USA destroys everyone maybe GAIJIN will actually realize how strong USA is and add competitors/nerf USA

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R73 is better. Its literally AIM9X. Flares work only if you preflare. Once R73 is launched and you didn’t preflare, its impossible to dodge.
I had an instance yesterday where the R73 was fired at me from the front, I narrowly dodged it, it did 180 and chased me down.
AIM9M can’t do that. Plus if AIM9M is fired at you from front or back, 1 flare will put it to the ground. Side shots are impossible to dodge, thats true.
R73 is a better missile.

Not to mention the Mig 29 gets a hypersonic missile while F-16 gets the now heavily gimped AIM7M(F). The bugged out F16C radar, which can’t hold lock for more than 5 seconds doesn’t help it either. AIM7M(F) now goes for aynthing but the locked target. It likes to explode mid air even with solid lock. TWS likes to get stuck trying to lock and its impossible to turn off the radar to restart it. TWS gets stuck on the edges of the gimble. The amount of time Mig 29 flies 8km at me closing in at 1,2mach, I try to lock and it locks a random friendly flying somewhere even outside my ACM boresight.

In conclusion Mig 29 is still a better plane with better missiles. You complain about losing all speed in a turn. Ever tried not being an S jockey, going full elevator all the time?
Maybe once the F-16 radar is ever fixed and the Sparrows stop being trash, maybe then you can start complaining.

In the game R-73 can be 1 tap flared at 2km+ dude what are you even talking about comparing to 9X lmao