Remove artillery strikes

Artillery strikes are spammable and based entirely around random chance which is always an extremely bad idea in a PvP game.

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They are marked by orange smoke, and a huge red blinking warning sign across the screen. Unless you are not paying attention, in an open top type of vehicle and/or decide to not move, it’s generally more of annoyance then a hazard.


Or unless you can’t move bc tracks/engine/tranmission etc is destroyed
Or if you can’t move bc then you’ll have to leave cover
Not to mention ppl just spamming capture points with artillery

This is the problem. Whether it’s an annoyance or a hazzard it literally left entirely up to random chance. Artillery is no better than a game mechanic that just picks a random player in a battle to die every 60 seconds.

There’s no skill involved, there’s no risk, and you can just spam it endlessly


I drive mostly paper-mache tanks that die very easily to artillery. I’ve not had any issues with them that I did not feel were deserved.

They’re an excellent tool to smoke enemies out of their hidey hole and introduce a dynamic element to battles.

Or unless you can’t move bc tracks/engine/tranmission etc is destroyed
Or if you can’t move bc then you’ll have to leave cover

As I said, I’ve never had issues with them unless deserved. If your tank is immobilized, artillery makes perfect sense as a killshot if your gun struggles to penetrate an enemy.

And well - that’s exactly their point: flushing a protected position.

And it has a significant cooldown. Randomness unfortunately scales with p2w crew skills, so that’s something I’d be more than happy to adjust.


Arty is fine. Its good when used well (I.e. on disabled enemies, or as covering fire), but is also slow-acting and easily visible.

99.9% of my deaths from arty were totally fine- I just wish that the 0.1% wouldnt happen. (Please ffs the shell landed A FULL METER FROM MY CENTURION HOW DO I DIE-)


a skilless spam mechanic that has 0 risk doesn’t exactly add a positive “dynamic element”. Also there’s a fine line between smoking som1 out of their “hidey hole” and getting a single lucky shell to destroy som1 that was behind cover.


see smoke
moves, doesnt get hit by arty



It’s not spammable. If you use it wastefully to randomly target useless positions, you’re going to be on cooldown while stuck in a duel and at a significant disadvantage.

If you use it at start of the match hoping to randomly blow someone up - well, if you get stuck behind corner with an enemy on the other side… you did that to yourself. There’s an opportunity consequence.

If you waste it, you also lose the ability to mask your engine noise.


moves . . . a damaged tank that can’t move?


moves . . . out of cover and die?

*except in AB, you get get up to 3x of it there.

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I think thats the point my guy.

Forcing you to either move out of cover or risk dying- and if they fired on you after danaging you, good on them, thats even better usage.

  1. It’s YOUR fault and skill issue to get tracks/engine/transmission destroyed or stuck in a cover, not the people who use artillery. Don’t blame on them or the game mechanic.

  2. It’s still your fault if you see the orange smoke and still rush into capture points and get destroyed.

  3. The artillery has range, long delay and 2-min cooldown. It actually requires skill to use effectively.


The only thing even remotely resembling skill with artillery is choosing when to use it. even then, whether or not it does anything to the enemy is complete random chance.

If you’re in an open top, then you face 2 options.

A. Leave cover and die
B. Don’t leave cover and die.

There is literally 0 counterplay against artillery which by definition makes it a horrible game mechanic

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The counterplay is not being an idiot.

which you appear to be failing at


How do you die enough to artillery to be mad at such a rare event?


I have no issues with artillery since I am already becoming numb from CAS spam, which is something 10 times more annoying than artillery strikes.



  1. Don’t be there
  2. If you are, don’t be seen or heard.

just because it’s rare doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck

congrats. you have both just instantly lost any merit to any opinion you had in this discussion

The vote has already shown the result.
Fact: artillery strike is a current game mechanic which most players doesn’t considered unbalanced or suck. Thus it has zero chance to get removed. (Imagine so many players complaining about AF AAA only result in AAA at frontline AF get removed, and did gaijin do anything to CAS while players complaining about them in the forum?)

Complain more if you like.

You can always check the record of someone who gives incredibly bad takes, just to see if they are someone worth replying to lol