Removal/Replacement of the French Tech Tree Consultant


Any news or consideration about some french camos being added as well?

hope new camo is being added

@Smin1080p Is that possible to contact with French TT consultant? I want to report Somua SM incorrect armor values, i have original schemes, technical drawings, but I need help with bug report.

@DirectSupport I PMed u about AS-20 nords bug, could you check this out please? Thanks.


Our internal historical consultants cannot help you with bug reports. Technical Moderators are available to help with any issues with reprorts as well as myself.

All issues can be reported here: Community Bug Reporting System

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I mean I need help with sources to bug report to be exact. I have draws, schemes, but I need a consultation about them.

Could you please forward this bug report? No moderator has looked into it in a month and a half.

Check with Senior Tech Moderators, they can let you know what the hold up or progress is

Again, check in with Senior Tech Moderators, they should be able to assist or advise

What do you need help with ?
If it’s with translation or technical aspects I may be able to help you.

Is there specific Senior Tech Moderator or w/e? Kind of french vehicles specialist would be best for me.
Could You please recommend me someone?

This is my Discord: adamok1. That would be the best way to contact each other.


the whole point of this thread is that the french consultant refuses to join the french discord group.
IF you need help you have to contact a moderator per direct message in this forum The Community Helpers

It’s not as simple as “not joining the Discord.” That’s trivializing the problem completely.

It’s no communication with FR bug reporters in any regard, forums or otherwise.

French vehicles arriving with huge inaccuracies (i.e. SANTAL turret and chassis, WW2 ammo modeled incorrectly, incorrect autoloaders).

French vehicles completely missing key components (i.e. Etendard IVM missing radar for years, payload inaccuracies).

French tech tree additions being questionable, with seemingly poor advocation for useful tech tree vehicles (i.e. Mid tier AA, no tech tree IFV, no 10.0/10.3 line-up)

So not only do they not communicate with reporters, they also seemingly fail to ensure what does get through arrives in a state that’s accurate and true to life.


Yeah where on earth is the AMX-VCI and the AMX-10P? Instead France got some useless casemate TD for the nation that already has casemate TD’s…

Hi everyone, I said earlier on the thread that I had sent an application to Gaijin in order to become a consultant for France.
They sent me an answer today and sadly they will not be taking me …
I sincerely hope that one day they will need my help and hire a consultant for France, but until then, back to the usual.


I guess if nothing changes in two weeks we’ll have to do the same again… if I understood it correctly in the other thread they didn’t even want a resumee but already said they found someone else, right?

Yup that’s it.

Hi, Could You please forward this bug report about Somua SM?


On the Somua SM topic, are there any good photos or blueprints showing the rear part of the TO.100 turret? Because the hole in the back for the cartridges is even smaller than the caliber of the gun, which looks silly when they’re ejected.

write a technical moderator a dm, pinging smin wont do anything