Reiteration of Rules stating presence of low BR machines in high BR matches

None of this relates to someone bringing low BR vehicles into a high BR match…

Intentionally disclosing your teammates location to the enemy though, or blocking a player of your team into a corner to make it so they can’t go anywhere, that’s bad sportsmanship and griefing.

Nothing about the topic is.

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Well, in my case Gaijin knows I won’t intentionally teamkill again this year.
Punishing me for something I knew was wrong, and won’t do again, makes no sense.
Those with patterns of behavior should probably be punished.

IDK how I feel about it honestly.

On hand the game is casual, and a lot of people take it way to seriously. On the other hand there is only 1 que for the entire game for each mode. Theres no seperation between casaul and comeptitive players like most games.

Secondly while this is annoying and in your face, id argue 1 death leavers are as if not more destructive to the team than someone who does a funny low br spawn then actually spawns in something appropiate after they die or hell at least spawn multiple times.


This entire discussion would never happen if people like this went back to Call of Duty or League of Legends, War Thunder is just a game to have fun in, it’s not that serious and it will never be, if a single person playing the M22 or a prop is enough to ruin your fun then maybe you weren’t having fun to begin with, lol


it’s permissable because Gaijin rewards it, that’s why god mode exists

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Ya I kinda feel like the game is about the same seriousness of TF2 but the comminuty thinks they are playing like 3rd party server compeitive counter strike.

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no wonder people here are mad all the time, they don’t enjoy the game at all

Also not trying to say the game is easy, i have thousands of hours and im still learning new things about radar modes, new weakspots on tanks I didnt know, all kinds of things.

But when the core gameplay hasnt evolved in 10 years and we are still just playing air and ground quake on small maps its hard to take the actual gameplay seriously.


In ARB it definitely should be limited, seeing a squad of biplanes on the runway in top tier is infuriating and frankly half the time they just start shooting each other and other teamates on the runway anyway.

Even when they dont do that, its 100% griefing, it significantly damages the chances of winning of the other players on your team which is detrimental to the enjoyment of the game of those players.

Though I do agree 1.0 is too strict, a 3.0 gap should be fine.

In GRB its not as bad, since M22s and BT-5s or whatever can still run around and cap points and occasionally get kills if they are lucky, though it still really annoys me when im searching for that enemy tank in my top tier MBT and it turns out to be a bloody M22 so I only get like 20 Spawn points for killing it. I feel like they should change that part and give you the same as killing a 1.0 downtier.


The massive crux of the issue. I have more respect even for the bad players that AT LEAST brought aircraft that match the BR spread rather than those zero IQ morons that thought it was cute to genuinely be dead weight just because. There’s a massive difference between not taking the game seriously and being an active detriment to your team by sabotaging it just because you thought it was funny.

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there isn’t, lol

There is. It’s not my problem if you can’t see it. That’s a personal issue for you, only.

I can say the same about you treating war thunder of all things as a super serious competitive shooter, just learn to have fun, it’s not that serious

I can respect a skilled player trying to get god mode.

What i dont respect are 4 players that are like lvl10 taking up slots in high tier arb because one of them has a premium.

They are not there for god mode. And half the time they end up either teamkilling each other or another random player.

Set a restiction of +/-1.0br. Upgrade to +/-2.0br if all members are lvl50+. Remove restriction if all members are lvl100.


God mode is a 5.0 BR difference, you can get a god mode in 13.7 with an 8.7 plane, you dont need to be flying a reserve just to get a god mode award.

The only way you are going to get a kill with a reserve tier plane at top tier is if the jet player physically LETS you kill them. Either intentionally flying at literal stall speed flaps down to let the reserve even keep up, or by being really stupid and doing a head on or something allowing the reserve to get a lucky shot in.

I dont believe anyone flying reserves at top tier is legitimately trying to go for god modes regardless of player level.


I’ll say this in the nicest way I can, NO. You clearly cannot justify why it should nor does it make sense. If you’re dying to a Locust that is a skill issue and you have no excuses, they are the prey, you are the Hunter/Apex Predator.

I don’t treat it as a super serious competitive game.

But I at least have enough respect for the randoms on my team to not bring completely worthless vehicles into the match that by all rights should not be there.

I bring BR appropriate vehicles, especially when it comes to ARB.

None of it is for legitimately getting God Mode. It’s all about screwing over an entire team just for personal amusement. It’s griefing and nothing more.

Then why doesn’t Gaijin let me have fun by teamkilling players? It’s not a super serious game, so why get mad when you get teamkilled? Just queue up again.

Sure, don’t complain when you get punished for it though, team killing isn’t endorsed by Gaijin

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