In my last post I complained about the ARH missile spam which made planes which don’t have them unplayable even if you have them its not much fun and that makes me sad because there are many “top tier” vehicels in the game which are pretty good but unplayable because of top tier missile spam. I don’t want to hear “play a lower BR”. Why am i grinding to top tier just to realise its not fun and then play lower BRs.
In my last post I wanted to add a button so you can deactivate games with ARH missiles. Sadly many people didn’t agreed with the idea so I have another idea which wouldn’t take matches with ARH away but would reduce it by a lot, because every game with vehicels from 13.3-13.0 is a full uptier to 13.7 which is not fun. Yes some ppl will complain about 12.3 planes seeing AV 8B, F4F KWS LV, SU 27, maybe The Tornado F.3 Late, etc. but this is easy to fix. A 13.3-13.0 planes get way less uptier but a full downtier is 13.3-12.7. That is my idea and I hope a lot of people agree with this idea, because it needs a fix.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day ;)