Reduce tradable coupon requirement!

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With this new event system starting in 2024, some people were praising gaijin for removing crafting events. However, it’s been nothing but negative. Biggest change is the grind needed to sell a vehicle, which used to be 20k score every day for 20 days, and now it’s 41.6k score over 18 days!!

People are complaining about the 45k per star instead of 40k, but that’s not nearly as bad as if you want to sell it. Worst of all, most of the vehicles have sold for NOTHING! The jaguar IS, same 750k score in 18 days… 15 GJN!! The PLZ 83-130 and Alcione italian boat event that just ended, 600k in 14 days… also 15GJN!! Those are even worse, with 42.8k score needed in 14 days!

This has ruined events for those that do them in order to sell and make GJN to spend on premium time etc. As the event vehicles often aren’t worth keeping unless you’re collecting, they’re not even premium vehicles!! Please help me in sharing this, so we can hopefully make gaijin realise that this is just unreasonable to expect from the community.

I will also share my reddit post in here, hopefully that’s allowed…


its silly how we keep letting gaijin bump up this stuff behind the scenes


Unfortunately they have a very long history of this. Make a MASSIVE change hoping nobody notices… oh crap they noticed, well let’s use this as a distraction while we do even more shadow-nerfing in the background :))

We let it build up for long enough, and it turns into a review-bomb again. The devs really need to be in touch with their playerbase instead of letting that happen in the first place…



Grinding the events to keep the vehicles is relatively easy, at around 2 hours of gameplay a day needed for a Top Tier vehicle (so around 2.5 hours ingame). I can’t see why everyone is making such an enormous deal out of this.

The real issue comes with grinding the coupons to sell the vehicles; the requirement is absolute madness, at about 3 hours of gameplay a day needed for the same vehicle’s coupon (so around 4+ hours ingame), if everything went down perfectly.

I no longer grind air or naval coupons, since I just can’t spend that much time on either of those modes a day.

I now grind only for ground coupons, since ground is a mode I can tolerate spending so much time in… and I still end up burnt out as hell from the grind.


We all know Gaijin wants to make the most money possible, and the “rewards” are not even close to the amount of work put in.

A good example is the Tier-bonuses. The amount of RP and SL at tier 8 is 10-20x higher than at Tier 1, yet the point reward only 20% higher.

There’s also the disparity between ground and air, imagine having a ground event that required 40k+ points per day. The devs really need to wake up (and that’s the job of the community managers to raise alarm bells) that the community is on the verge of breaking again, there are plenty of half-assed attempts at trying to keep the community happy.


I… I thought you dead (banned)?

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Why do we need coupons to sell? They should give us the vehicle in a way that we can sell it. collecting points to sell was ridiculous from the beginning.


This system is insanely broken and requires you to play the game LIKE A FULL TIME JOB.


Good luck convincing Gaijin to hurt their income. They will never do it and the sole purpose they changed the event system is making it harder for people to get it so more people will buy it from the marketplace for more price.


Well… gotta try, even though it’s most likely pointless :/


I don’t know. For people that ground the 292 they got 100+ GJN which is enough for 2 and half years of premium. It’s just the matter if you prefer an easier event for less GJN or a harder one for more.


The 292 is an exception, the other several vehicles sold for 15-20 GJN for the same amount of work, absolutely worthless. Old crafting events were also like 80-100 GJN, Moderna/Kfir C.2, object 279… I sold my 279 for 210 GJN after keeping the coupon for a year or two.


No… bot player will spam trademarket if u reduce point and
remember suppy and demand

Crafting events were as bad as these new events are.
Also you listed only the good vehicles from these events. Why not include some bad/unpopular ones?

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Crafting events also allows you to play whatever you want, not ONLY air battles. This is a huge deal, as I’ve wanted to play ground so much in these last weeks.

This change is objectively bad, the numbers don’t lie. 20k per day to 41.6/42.9k per day is absolutely awful. Getting two vehicles before was 40k every day, but… you could get two. now it’s the same amount of work, just to get one.


If you hate it so much you can just not do it.

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Great argument there… .-.


Not everyone has a top tier (rank 7 or above) vehicle to grind these events which is probably why they’re trying to get the current event F-14. For myself, I don’t have anything top tier Air so I have been grinding the event with prop planes around the 4.3 to 6.7 range which on average I get about 1.5-2k points if I do well with occasional 2k-3k points battles. Air RB burns me out more than Ground RB for those events. I never really played Air RB so I had to go learn it from friends who do play Air RB with more experience with planes overall which was also time-consuming to learn. I have never put so much effort into War Thunder before just to do a single event that costs so many points. I know I will never reach the 750k points so I’m just keeping the F-14.

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Im tired of them making it harder and harder as time passes…

cause you can make actual money off of it