Reduce top tier players number

With the introduction of new RWR system, BVR is useless.
Before this update at least 4 players for each team used to die at the start of the match, due to BVR missiles. Now everyone survive, and this makes top tier battles a complete, unenjoyable, mess.

Please do something to fix this problem. The perfect number, in my opinion, is 8v8 matches, but i’m happy even with 10v10.
Another fix could be creating maps with more arifields and with multiple objectives that are not all in the center. Even with this, I still think the player count should be reduced.
This is extremely frustrating.


Yeah top tier air rb needs reduced team size. 7v7 or 8v8 would be fantastic. Currently with 16v16 it all ends up with a chaotic furball, with no BVR or dogfights. The fun is in BVR and dogfights, not furballs.


Yes please, top tier is such a cluster ****


Maps are too big as well. It would be great if we get smaller maps because Mig-29 and F-14 waste their fuel reserves very fast.

That’s what drop tanks are for.

The new missiles (R-27ET, R-73, AIM-9M) have definitely not helped 16v16 matches. 10v10 would be great for top-tier. RB EC could also be implemented (was done years ago and people liked it).


EC maps with a return to 12v12 or even 10v10 would be best.
BVM missiles have never been the biggest problem for skilled players.
The largest issue is the density of missile spam once the fur ball collides, and how utterly ridiculous it gets at the moment. It results in game that often snowball one way or the other, which isn’t fun for either team.
RB EC would be the closest to what you suggested with multiple airfields and multiple objectives. I don’t know if there needs to be a poll for this or what, but I would 100% support it, and I know most long-term players would agree.


Share this, and let gaijin see it !!!


Right now Top Tier is a mess the only solution is to reduce player numbers, increase number for airfields like SIM 3 airfields, i hope i can again play jets and have a chance on top tier to do anything before be the last alive player against 9 people with overall 27 missiles left to shoot against me its sad the situation right now the game is for top of the line for planes.


There is a need for an EC mode, what is happening now is one big mess.
Within 1 minute, 30 players alternately click 3 rocket buttons and a flare button in the center of the map, a draw takes place and one team wins. There is absolutely no room for any sensible game here - if you fly too far to the side, you will run out of time to shoot anyone or you will be left alone with 8 opponents. I have tried many different scenarios and it completely defeats the purpose, the gameplay is currently so hopeless, stupid and mindless that you simply have to shoot yourself in time and place by clicking with the whole crowd, otherwise you are left with nothing or you won’t even be able to get to airport or there, the remaining 4 players will kill you in pursuit of XP. AA does absolutely nothing then, I tried 5 times and none of them worked.
Currently, the gameplay on top ARB is one big cesspool. People are rushing to get there and the battles last 4-5 minutes (90% of the time is taking off and flying from the airport)


The problem is that lesser skilled / newer pilots won’t vote for it. These are the types of players who enjoy City 16v16, because whether they get a kill or not is a coin flip to them.

They either get one kill or they don’t. So they would rather the match take as little time as possible so they can dumpster all their missiles and roll the 50/50 chance as many times in as short a period as they can to “grind faster”.

Which is their preference. But for the rest of us who don’t enjoy having short-attention span, Subway Surfer / Family Guy at the bottom of the screen, type game play, RB EC would be a fair alternative that could run concurrently.


Bring those top tiers over to Sim, we’re in need of players

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what if we dont want to play in sim…but we want to play in realistic mode with EC “style” ?


would like to play sim.
but you cant play that with a mouse and keyboard.


You have to be hyper-aggressive to get kills otherwise you get nothing or only 1 or 2 kills. Matches on City were the epitome of this trash type of gameplay where half the team on either side is gone in three minutes. Or it’s one team with 90% of its players and the other team only has a handful of people left. I could get 5 kills and still have to kill 8 more guys which demonstrates another issue. A single player has much less of an impact on the match compared to when it was 12v12. Top-tier ARB really needs to be overhauled and a switch to an EC-type match that goes on for hours would be a good option.

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I strongly agree with the player reduction in Air Realistic, I don’t like to fight massive furballs just to see my entire team somehow die and 5 different MiG-29s on my tail the minute I disengage. Decreasing player count will also actually make skill matter for once since a death will have a much larger impact.


Reducing player numbers is strongly needed. Air realistic battles is slowly turning into air arcade battles.


Nah, they are done at 1/3th of map’s distance

I wish that were true, people use M/KB all the time in sim. I’m told it’s not the same but people do it and I can confirm whenever I accidently touch my mouse my aircraft changes direction (even though I’ve removed the mouse from any settings in the key bindings… )

You do realize that is part of the entire purpose RWR systems were invented and implemented on combat aircraft right? BVR missile shots shouldn’t be a guaranteed kill as any player paying attention to their RWR should easily be able to notch or crank the inbound missile. Heaven forbid a top-tier match last longer than 5 minutes and take some skill in throwing out missiles.