Reduce ticket bleed - please!

I know this has been brought up before, but come on Gaijin, air RB games are already so quick, do we really need the AI targets killing each other and auto ending the game inside 15 mins?

It’s hard to get good 1 vs 1, or 1 vs 2, dogfights anymore with 16 vs 16 crowding the airspace.

They often only happen after 10+ mins, when 2/3rds to 3/4s of the players are dead, allowing engagement without a swarm of people rushing in to get a 3rd party kill.

But no, for some reason having the AI end the game early is good gameplay?

P.S. I’m fine with bombers and attackers hitting targets and winning games that way.

I’m not fine with the AI killing each other with the speed they do it now.

Tone it down please!


+1 I enjoy being invested in the match as it draws on to only a couple guys left who’s got to duke it out to get the win for their team.

Then it just ends to ticket bleed caused by AI in a anticlimactic fashion.


Longer matches and smaller teams are needed. 12v12 switch should ensure a smaller match.

I’ve had so many matches lately where people will camp and sit on a ticket lead.

The last game I played, the last guy flew around his field for the last 7 mins despite me dropping down and giving him my six and a big alt advantage.

Congrats on the win MOO-.

25mins to get 1 ground target and no player kills - lol.

Dear Gaijin team. Why u changing air RB mode and air Sim mode for arcade, only beacouse complaining of players whos like arcade modes just starting flying in RB and SIM for better rewards?? Think about one thing. Theres players whos flying for enjoying doghfights, also bombing also ground prounding, but only for pleasure not for experience or lions. yea that RB battles with maps on which 3 attackers can finsish battle in 5 min of attacking GT? or too small even for tanks? when i can reach enemy before he close gearsafter takeoff? XD how can i play sim with fighter when enemies just tryibng to avoid enemies with fighters, attackers and bombers, beacouse all of em want to bomb base and j-out before someone hit him? after 1h of flying and trying intercept anything… i just give up. and im not beginner. And those players doing it only beacouse “grind” own planes for arcade, or even RB. this message want to wrote like couple years ago, but wouldnt cry, now i just need. i can understand why u doing things like that, but u forget about one thing.

Thats IT !! couldnt get any player, was think about engaging ais… with top battle BR sabre at those moment. and my fastest fighter. preety fast i discoverd its yaks 38, and theyr too fast for me, could take down only 1 when slow down for engaging GT and before switch target theyr reach SS speed :| too bad havent research any bombs or rockets with my planes to try do something in battle. at lowest BRs still 3rd person view in sim for everyone whos have gunners on board its just riddicoulous. 1st game when this view is possible and someone calling it simulator. Did u even noticed how many experienced and high skilled players stop playing WT? only in last 2-3 years? im sure its near 50% of top 100. hard to find a good battle for air sim now. accualy bcs of possibility to create own battles by players with maps not created for pistons or jets. Im talking about creating battles for low br pistons on Norwa map. its incereasing chance for bomb bases and being unspotted by any enemy bcs of size. In other way taking small maps for top BR, made almost impossible to catch phantom before he drop bomb. what im saying whos using bombs for destroying bases xD I know, i can create my own battle, but whos join battle wheres waiting 2-3 players when allready begin 3 more with near 10 players. ofcourse its not happend always but preety often. i would like to play sometimes but technicaly i just cant. im joing to Doc and others, theres players whos want to play, not grind. RB is for players whos want to play in realistic battles. I heard many times. why 60min for rb, why should i climb 10 min and die in 1 sec. noone force him to play rb, if he didnt want to takeoff, want tot have possibility of rearming in air, why not, theyr have arcade. didnt saw any RB or sim player in arcade telling its too easy and should be changed xD why u broking other modes for players whos dont like any challenge or realism. they have such many awesome maps in arcade we can only dream about in RB or SIM. recently I even found out that the simulation is a PvE mode, not PvP. and there always has to be an idiot like me who shoots at opponents and won’t let them grind. o7 gaijin, I dont wont to broke other players hes game, im just playing last 10 years in wrong game. now was find other game with pvp battles, and noone will cry beacouse of Player killing even when hes in enemy team. (sry for english, used also google translator, hope everyhing i wrote will be understandble)

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Me, myself, and I all approve.