Reduce BR of the A32A and J32B (sweden air RB)

Currently, the A32A (strike aircraft) faces enemy jets with missiles when this plane only has chaff to defend itself. The engine has low power so it is hard to keep speed, and turns as if it is heavier than its enemies.

The J32B (fighter) is in worse condition, at 9.3 BR. It can only carry the basic RB24 missiles with 10G of turning and no defensive flares or chaff… at all. The enemies this plane faces have All-Aspect missiles with 30G turning, plus flares and chaff.

The balance is horrible, to say the least.

Gaijin team, can you please lower the A32A from 9.0 to 8.7
and lower the J32B from 9.3 to 9.0?


There are plenty of aircraft around this BR that lacks CMs, some of them can barely be supersonic or even as a subsonic aircraft. It is a norm for this br and I’m not sure why these 2 are particularly bad.

Theyre both fine, i really enjoy them.

The problem is that (1) this plane turns worse than almost all the others, (2) It only has the basic RB24’s, (3) no flares or chaff, and it faces enemies with all-aspect missiles that turn 3x harder (unavoidable death) and they have flares/chaff to avoid your RB24’s. How is that impossible to understand?

@CommunistBalls Not fine, when you constantly face 10.0 to 10.3 and get smacked in the face with all-aspect missiles

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They’ll be even better soonTM.
All aspect carriers are going up.