bro is coping cos he couldn’t prove himself right so he resorts to this
That’s pretty much what bombers used to be lol, you’d need like half your team to be in VERY heavily armed interceptors (think Me 410 B-6/R-3) to even have a chance at countering their stupidly tanky damage models and aimbot gunners.
idm having attackers and bombers have a place in this game just there needs to be counterplay from all sides
Oh god it reminds me old B-17 damage models lmfao
Technically, air EC would encourage more bombers and attackers, given it is a much more objective oriented game mode over TDM in skies.
However, it would spread players out if enough objectives spawn and make heavy fighters and those big multi engine interceptors to feel useful compared to air RB where the engagement ranges and time makes conventional tactics useless (if you try and disengage a turn fighter, chances are match is over in the 2 minutes it takes you to reverse the advantage).
People raged at and ganged up on me today cause I oppose airfield camping.
“AKtuALly. It’s not AF camping if you camp their AF, it’s only AF camping when you’re landing to re-arm. Everyone is wrong.”
At least the other type of AF camper acknowledges what they’re doing.
Typical “It’s okay when I do it, not when they do it.”
5 minute timer to prevent AF campers and space climbers from winning matches.
Stronger SPAA to prevent AF campers from fragging people that choose to go to the OG runway.
The solution to both problems from someone that has not airfield camped.