Reduce AiR RB airfield AA effectiveness for props and create a separate pve game mode for attackers/bombers

I used to play a lot of props until 2 years ago, but the gameplay quality decreased a lot in the last 4 years. Imho the main reason for this decrease is the fact that today there are a lot more players (I would say perhaps even the majority) that play props just to grind jets or to farm SL to play other game modes.

This creates a general decrease in skill in the game (the difference between the average pilot at 5.7 air RB 4 years ago and now is crazy) , which imho would even be fine with me, but the problems start when stuff like bomber and attacker spam (in a 12v12 game having 6 bombers and attackers on your team is an huge disadvantage… looking especially at you ju288c) and airfield camping become extremely prevalent.

To counter this airfield AA should be nerfed and a new pve mode for attackers/bomber be created.

In general more changes are needed to how tech trees are structured, because there are a lot of new players that see props just as something to grind to reach modern jets while at the same time there are the people that enjoyed props that either quit or moved to playing basically only top tier jets (I’m one of those) because the gameplay as become a bit dull (killing planes that are stalling in front of you isn’t fun)




guess airfield camping is fun for you


Don’t get upset at tactics, go and play the objective.


You forget that airfield camping can be done both ways.
Also a PvE mode? really?

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Airfield AA needs to be buffed, its annoying as hell having fighters fly directly over an airfield, kill you taking off and then fly away unharmed


I know that I can airfield camp as well, it is simply not fun to have laser AA play for you.

In a PvE mode attackers/bombers would kill their AI objectives (why else would you take a bomber?) without hindering their team


Never happened in my experience when sitting on a major airfield. AA nukes any enemy plane in a 4km radius


ive played a lot of air RB, it happens quite a lot when people fly low and fast. its really easy to cheese AA

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You know there is a mode for bombers?


It’s named Enduring Confrontation :)

few examples how good bombers can be
sim 2024.08.24 23.23.11
sim 2024.08.24 23.23.11

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it’s not in air RB mode thought, most people do not play sim


AA is totally not op lol


youre at FLAK altitude in a slow plane, if you want to be near enemy airfields fly low and fast.

700kph is anything but slow for a prop, it’s near La-7 rip speed lol. Also staying lower won’t increase life span that much longer, at least not in my experience… got any videos to prove that staying low will make you live so much longer that:

. all good players I can find complain about airfield camping… this is even from 2 years ago when AA was worse than today (already was buffed compared to 2013-2021 thought)


Blud’s just mad he can’t get EZ kills. Typical Fighter Jock behavior. Wants to win but never wants to PTFO.


still not quite enough of a deterrant, because I myself will raid rear airfields for free kills quite often, its cheap and unfair. i shouldn’t be able to do it

Another airfield camper begging to airfield camp without being shot at.

Short answer: No.
If you want to airfield camp, you might find a few custom battles.

Called it. You just want to airfield camp.

That’s why you’re demanding more airfield camping? To stick it to the good players…

You know what I do each time I find an airfield camper? I dismiss all their stats cause they got those stats the easy way instead of actually fighting.

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No, i want to go back to having less kills but having fun. I went from dying to good players after a good dogfight 4 years ago to either get 3-4-5-6-7 kills per game and dying from either 5v1 because half of my team was made from planes de facto useless to win the match (can’t remember last time i won a match because bombers destroyed the enemy’s AF), or dying because someone decided circling around his airfield for 10 minutes is fun


Do you have reading problems? I am asking to nerf airfield AA to decrease airfield camping lol.
It is even written in the topic title