Recommendations for the straight Z-9W and Z-9WA series

The Z-9W lacks ground capability, I think the Z-9W needs the HJ-8E as a ground missile, the range of 4km can effectively avoid some cannons AA, there is no fundamental difference between the Z-9W and the Z-9WA, so it should be the same in important equipment, such as: thermal imaging and thermal decoys.


The reason it is so high BR with bad atgm is that Chinese players abused the Ty-90s for a year. Making Chinese helicopters have the highest Kill/Death ratio in the game


If they make the TY-90 fair instead of unflarable free kill then maybe


ATGM bad → use more TY90 → K/D be higher → nerf the ATGM
It has become a dead cycle💀


Chinese players couldn’t stop abusing TY-90.

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wt u talking for?china heil has the badly AGTM in game(4km-6km-8km)and it has the slowest speed in game.they only has ty90,and you think its break the rule?how selfish you are?


RU heil has 10km agtm and fastest speed in game
UK heil can use unique missile
US heil has nice damage effect
and you only talk "chinese player"is abuseing game because they use own country heil to play


Z-19E was 10.0 when it was released, with 6KM range ATGMs and 8 of the best infrared missiles in the game. The current BR of chinese helicopters is because of how many people use TY-90 at the start of match and kill everything flying. Gaijin didn’t increase it’s BR, the players did, by using the TY-90 to get 5-6 air kills every match. Gaijin sees data and says ths helicopter gets too many kills per match.

I think they should remove TY-90 from many Chinese helicopters and give them lower battle rating. Z-19 and Z-10 can keep the TY-90 since they are already high BR.

so why "chinese player"like u said.they don
t use agtm.only use TY90 even that make game be boring .why?must becuse AGTM is too best?

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The ATGM at their own br before TY-90 was abused was good. They didnt use TY-90 because ATGM was bad. They used TY-90 because its free from start of match, and it guaranteed free kills. It is literally the best missile in the entire game.

Poor ATGM → using TY-90 → KD increased → BR increased → ATGM worse. This is a dead cycle


The ATGM on Chinese helicopters were good for their BR when they were released. The source of this problem is TY-90, which gives Chinese helicopters very high K/D, so they got higher BR now.

Z9W has an ATGM with a range of 3.5KM in 9.3, Z9WA has an ATGM with a range of 4KM in 10.0, Z19 has an ATGM with a range of 6KM but very poor aftereffect in 10.9, and Z10 has an ATGM with a range of 8KM but 235s/m in 11.7. They are all weaker than ATGM on other Heils of the same BR


When they were first released, it did not have 10.0 BR. It has 10.0 BR because people abused the TY-90. What are you not understanding here? I agree the atgm it has sucks at 10.0, but it is 10.0 because people abused TY-90 by spawncamping helipad for 1 year.

The reason for abusing TY90 is that the AKD-9 only has 600CE and the damage after breakdown is very poor, often resulting in the problem that four AKD-9 rounds cannot kill one M1 or L2A4

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you think Z9 in old br is nice with 4km AGTM?

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So, because ATGM is bad, no one wants to use it. →Players use TY90 as an airborne SPAA.→ KD increases. →BR increases. →ATGM is even worse, and more players use Z19E as an airborne SPAA


Let’s take a look at KA-50. ATGM is very strong → more players use it → a large number of players use ATGM to hit the ground → no one carries AAM → players using ATGM to hit the ground are shot down by SPAA → BR changes slightly


I still don’t know your alleged reasons for “Chinese player abusing every thing” and I wonder if you are simply discriminating?you talk like only chinese use TY90 to camping and other country player all play China heil as “right”