Realistic is not realistic

You wish lmfao

Spawn costs being brought down made mistakes inconsequential, as long as you get a kill, or a cap you’re set with at least 4 respawns.
Why bother thinking about what you did wrong when it did not impact you whatsoever, and even better gave you the position of someone to come back and try to kill again.

A kill does not mean a respwan. Have I misunderstood you there.

You get well over 100SP for a kill, the worst you can pay is 150SP for a ground spawn in a downtier. While the more you die the higher you pay for a vehicle you already spawned, you have to do nothing but dying in one shot to run out before the fourth spawn if you have a heterogenous lineup.
For memory’s sake, back in the days a downtiered heavy tanks was 450SP, you were one of the most valuable assets to your team, but you actually had to work for it to afford yourself a respawn.

How are you already in top tier at 2 months? Premiums?


Must be a bug then because I have had a tank kill and no re-spwan unless its a new thing.

I think I got it, there are two mechanics at play in respawns, one is the SP that you gain through your actions, and the other is the crew slots that can only be spawned once per game. Outside of backups you can’t recover a spent crew slot.

I’m only talking about the SP mechanic being too lenient, I’m fine with backups due to their inherent limitation of being an item, and that you can only use them once per crew slot per game.

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Is it possible that if somebody uses a 3BR tank in a 6.7 BR game that the vehicles if killed would not give the killer enough SP to gain a new life if they then died? Maybe that is what I have seen. It didn’t used to be an issue.You got a kill and you were safe to go again if you died.

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Good catch, considering that score is affected by BR and rank differences, there’s a good possibility that it also affects SP, the proliferation of “uptier proof” low tier vehicles probably makes it a more common occurence than before as well.

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But this is how War Thunder’s damage model works, it’s the same as World of Tanks but with extra steps. The only difference from World of Tanks, War Thunder has is a poor community communication, which both games lacks but War Thunder seems to be more burocratic, in the game design, Gaijin prioritize the profit, taking the part of a free-to-download game way too far when comes to the monetization, when World of Tanks equally has overpriced vehicles, you can still earn vehicles with perks from sponsorship or in events,

Regarding map balances is more frequent in World of Tanks and still Wargaming also works with national communities, which Gaijin is focused in the CIS and Asian community only, which you can notice by the DMM items and events for Chinese and Japanese players that only become available world-wide a year later, War Thunder is only relevant at the moment because not everybody wants to play games like World of Tanks, since the competition is non-existant, the only option is War Thunder,

If for some reason Wargaming steps into this specific game style of realistic game with realistic damaging mechanic, considering they don’t have this stupid selectism of adding and removing vehicles and taking ages to respond to the community regards, War Thunder will have a serious competition, which it doesn’t at the moment since World of Tanks is totally different from War Thunder in their respective gameplay goals, one is actually arcade and another try to sell you this image of a realistic game when it’s not.


Now you have the Rafoofi :^)

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The current problem with the game is massive one death leaving and massive stomps…

Realistic is not realistic? Agreed for the maps and team factions, for the resist on APHE change and for ARB brains

The other half of the post? Bruh

I think you misspelled. I believe you mean the ruffaffalo?

Who cares just sit down be quite and PAY TO PLAY!! that’s all they want! they don’t care about you! other than separating you from the almighty dollar!!!

LOL yeah companies doesn’t even bother to lie like they used to.They used to have a fine veneer of charm. Gaijin are as charming as the Spanish Inquisition.

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Ah, actually this game is just a modular HP battle. The only difference from WoT is that it doesn’t use a total HP and hides the true HP value. Additionally, some players have an indescribable sense of pride towards players who play other vehicle shooting games

What do you mean “the only difference”? Laughable simplification. Using a number to count module health is unavoidable. Even if simulated every cylinder of an engine, or the plastic deformation of metal. And even then, you would use numbers.
It is comparable to saying “only difference between a car and a tank is that tank has a gun”.

Dont forget premium ammo.

I found the mirrored maps to be a bit boring. Yes, they are more balanced though.

Until DMM changes the contract, gaijin cant do anything. Its either they do it like it is now or dont add them.