Hey guys,
Iam sure i wont be the only one to adress this issue, It is about Plane Flight models becoase i think they are very bad and completly unrealistic.
I have more than enough experince and hours on war thunder and iam no neewbie so dont blame it on my skill.
Turn rates is the main issue i have with the game, I have more than 300 hours on Il-2 Shturmovik and never in that time an Il-2 managed to OUTTURN a Bf–109 K-4. YES, thats the issue iam adressing with mainly german aircraft like Fw-190s and Bf-109s.
As i said many times planes that Should NOT be capable of outturning Bf-109s and Fw-109 just happend to completly destroy them in a rate/turn fight.
Today i got outturned in air-rb by fricking IL-2 SHTURMOVIK IN MY BF-109 G-14, right after that i went to IL-2 game and tried the engagement again and surprise surprise Bf-109 really did not get outturned a Il-2 wow who whould have thought.
I have a lot of instanses where Bf-109s and Fw-190s are loosing fight wich they shouldnt but that would be for a long while.
ANYWAY this is a message to DEVS or someone that can seek refuge in this problem and know that he isnt alone.
War thudner please fix your game or stop representing yourself as the most realistic and comprehensive combat game, with these problems and straight up nonsense and unrealistic beahaviour.
Fix the turn and overall characteristics of WW2 props becoase like 60% of them have unrealistic characteristics.
YES iam really mad about this topic sorry about that but this rally is just too much.
Thanks to everyone
So… you complaining is that you can do something in one game and then cant in another?.. Oooh boy, thats some kind of new can of worms
You’d have to provide graphs that prove your claims.
IL-2 has more wing area which has more of an impact on turn rate for props than you’re giving it credit for.
There are many aircraft like IL-2 that have high wing area with weak engines: A6M5, P59, etc.
The flight models and simulation realness could use some updating but I’m not sure Il-2 is the definitive authority on Digital Combat Simulation.
This is a casual arcadey style game. There is no realism
Oh boy the comparing one games physics to another pandoras box has been opened.
this is the DCS vs War thunder but you’re using an even more ancient game as reference
Good to know you think there is no realistic gaming software. ;)
I’m not an expert but this kind of scenario has happened before I’m spaceing on his name, but he was in sbd dauntless against multiple zeros and won at certain fuel loads it due to the dauntless having very big wings can out turn a zero in a dogfight
I don’t think it’s valuable comparing flight performance in air RB versus something like IL2.
Put the same 2 planes to the test using full-sim controls with yoke/stock and pedals. I’m almost confident the outcome may change. Sim results could be rightly compared.
The instructor can cause weird and undesired behaviors with planes as a fly-by-wire system trying to comprehend a mouse pointer, as sophisticated and genuinely amazing it is, will fail to make full use of a plane’s characteristics. At worst, it will limit you from certain maneuvers that would risk stalling or induce too much slip/skid.
As an easy example that comes to my mind, FBW even with stick can limit plane performance. Another game, KSP, not very applicable. However, trying to land a double-delta like a concorde in the FAR aero model is nearly impossible using default FBW settings as it does not allow the required 18 degree angle of attack to avoid falling out of the sky.
In warthunder, off-the-cuff intentionally slipping the plane to descend rapidly for landing is something I found impossible with instructor but doable in sim.
Also true for WT, most 109s are limited to 12deg AoA by the intructor, with a few going up to 13deg. The 109s are stable up to about 16deg AoA, so there’s a LOT of turn performance that isn’t being used.
The difference in flight models has been an issue, but its an issue that many games that try to portray 100s of aircraft will encounter.
You shouldnt be turn fighting in a 109, you are an energy fighter you have a good instantaenous turn rate and good nose authority.
If an IL-2 wants to turn go vertical
You also shouldnt expect sim level fidelity from a game like War thunder.
First of all, Skill issue, BF-109 and FW-190 are energy fighters, not turn fighters.
Secondly, how do you know IL-2 is accurate, maybe its wrong and War Thunder is right,
Thirdly, using one game to balance another should never be a thing that the Devs do,
for example, I could say "well the F16 in MFSF/DCS has X performance, why isnt it like that in War Thunder. Makes no sense
For plane performance, compare the good old 109f4 in il2 bos and in il2 clod
and you’ll find the historical performance issue
Though WT changes flight performance SOOOOO frequently (& gun damage) that some of the models are ABSOLUTELY wrong/ too different from it should be in some devs