Re-add the Maus or remove every hard to balance vehicle in the game

None of these vehicles had a real prototype built and two of them use guns which don’t fit in their modeled turrets.

Doesn’t matter and don’t care. They were added, so every player deserves to have them. Especially since they are so common in matches. And only the Originals are acceptable, no reworked facsimiles.

I’d love to one day be able to play the M60 AMBT

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It is nice, although you still get trolled by volumetric BS.

Ah, I am looking forward to playing Object 279 then lol.

Steps to make Gaijin re-add the maus:

  1. Wait like 2 weeks from now

There are no further steps: the maus will be re-added and available again.

Weird how yall accept this treatment for the maus but refuse to have any other vehicles treated this way.

Give me one good reason why the maus alone should be treated this way.

Can you quote where i said that I “refuse to have any other vehicles treated this way”? Thanks in advance

As has already been stated, the Maus was a real vehicle, the Panther II and Tiger 105 are not. The Coelian is as real as the Ostwind II, but Gaijin has proven unwilling to readd it for somewhat unjust reasons. Still, the Ostwind II does the same job almost as well. While it would be nice to have an unstrafeable AA at 6.7, I’m not going to call conspiracy just because they aren’t readding it. The Ostwind II works just fine more general AA work, and the Kugel gives you an unstrafable option just one BR jump higher.

If you want more realistic versions of those vehicles, push them to add the E-50 and E-75. They’re paper, but we have enough info to implement them in a reasonable way, and would have similar performance to the fictional vehicles we already have.

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Your initial comment seems to imply that you have become complaisant with gaijins targeted mistreatment of the maus by accepting its current situation and by telling people who disagree with its current situation to just accept it and wait 2 weeks or so and itll be ‘re-added’.

I think your a bit confused about what this post is about. Its not about the fake vehicles. As stated in the post.

No, it means exactly what it said: the maus is already available in game. Having a poll option for that therefore doesn’t make sense. That’s it, nothing else.

I actually have a thread about how to add all old vehicles back to the game fairly: We should be able to decline a vehicle from an event and swap it out for an old event vehicle, if we did the grind - #62 by SinisterIsRandom

Except it isnt. The maus is the sole vehicle that has been removed and turned into a yearly rare event vehicle.

So yes, it is available.

And no, it’s not “rare”, you literally just have to have rank V Germany and put a single RP into it during the anniversary, and you can take as long as you need to get it, the end.

Anyone who doesn’t have rank V Germany wouldn’t even have had it if it was normally in the tech tree anyway… since they don’t have any rank V tanks

You rarely see it in games, because it’s not very fun to play, not because it’s hard to get.

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Exactly. For some reason, people are acting like you have to fully research it during the event.

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What argument is there to solely treat the maus this way. Why shouldnt all other hard to balance vehicles/ prototype vehicles be treated the same.

Give me one good reason why people SHOULD have to wait a year to research the maus. And only the maus.

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Not commenting on anything else you said other then the obj is not invincible to most guns at its br. A 17 pdr from br5. 7 can kill one, far better guns at its br can definitely do it. Problem is people stopped playing them and the player base has either never seen it in a battle or forgotten how. There is a reason people stopped playing them and it’s because people got use to it at the time.

What argument is there to solely treat the maus this way

You keep asking me to defend a point that I never made. I asked you to quote where I made any such claim, you failed to do so, then you seem to have gotten amnesia and gone back to pretending it was my claim.

I literally just said that “bring back the Maus” as a poll option makes no sense when it’s already easily available. That is it. NOTHING else implied, hinted at, eyebrows waggled at, agendas hidden about, etc.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

It is resistant to APDS and HEAT-FS

The only weakness is the side of the turret or rear of the turret

Nah mate, use the in game protection viewer. The beak of the hull front is a weak spot for most guns it faces as is the turret ring for solid rounds like apds. Side on its the side hull, it has a huge weak spot.