Rather than nerfing APHE Gaijin should instead apply a huge buff for solid AP, APDS and HEAT

I’ve said it before, ahistorically high damage penetrations is both good for the game and more historical in a somewhat roundabout way.

Gameplay wise, it’s better for game flow if fights are quick. Anyone who’s played with low caliber APDS/HEAT knows just how annoying it is to play whackamole with enemy crew members, having to adjust your aim multiple times and hope to hell no-one snipes the kill out from under you/kills you while you’re busy. Meanwhile, it’s not all that fun for the recipient either, forced to sit unable to do anything while someone slowly picks you apart. I far prefer to just die in one shot and move on with my game.

As for historical accuracy, yes the grenade style detonation of APHE is unhistorical, but so is any tank crew taking a penetration hit and still sticking in the fight. Doubly so if said hit just liquified one of their close friends. Most tank crews bail out the second they’re hit, and so gameplay mechanics should support this. That means excessively lethal penetrations, so buffed solid shot and buffed APHE.

When this comes up for a vote, I hope to hell Gaijin actually does a test server so people can get a feel for how each system will actually behave in game. This current system of voting on the theoretical idea of a system without knowing anything about how it will actually handle in game is pointless.


I am assuming they will do what they did with the severe damage mechanic. They will have an event on the live server for a few days.

I’d like to think so to, but that’s not what they did with the most recent poll. Which is probably why it ended up being so contentious.

Just asking if people want a stun mechanic, with no idea how long it lasts nor how debilitating it is, is basically asking how people feel about the very idea of a stun mechanic. Which, given WoT’s version of it, was not going to go over well.

I hope you’re right.

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The one thing that bothers me with APHE is not the sphere of death, but the way shooting at cuppolas somehow makes the shrapnel go backwards and kill the entire tank

Well hand grenades are mostly deaadly from their shrapnell and not their pressure, and most APHE in game has less TNT equivalent than a hand grenade (at around 100g).

There’s a difference between an explosion in the open and an explosion inside a metal box.

How is sphere of death a balanced thing. My vote is they just add shrapnel bounce, but that’s complicated. So in the meantime id rather APHE not be this Magic round that just insta-kills.

APHE should not be a do or break when some countries relies upon APDS and Solidshot all the time. (Yes im pointing at britain, France and sweden.)

Yes having worse pen should result in Better damage not double it to a stupid degree.

There is a reason why most nations dint prefer APHE instead of solid-shot it was just about as effective and more reliable and stronger/more rigid. That deserves to be shown too

Then you are annoyed of the sphere of death haha

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APHE explodes in a cone, not a sphere.

Sure, but is there any research regarding this? Otherwise we are just assuming things. And there is a story of british soldier covering a grenade with his backpack and his body, with him getting off with just a head ache and a nosebleed.

Gaijin may use the excuse of authenticity to weaken the APHE with low TNT equivalent, but the enhancement of damage from other ammunition may not necessarily be modified based on authenticity

I think everyone else’s point is that it does not provide “better balance and variety” at all.
It strongly favours nations that use APHE, and strongly disadvantaged nations that do not - hence strongly tilting effectivity in favour of the former (imbalance), and discouraging people from using the later (limiting diversity).

Ther is no strong empirical evidence that I am aware of that suggests “other ammunition” is significantly worse in terms of damage to APHE - indeed APHE is known to often simply not work - from the number of intact rounds found inside British tanks in the damage survey in Europe 1944-45 - “A survey of casualties amongst armoured Units in N.W. Europe by Capt H.B. Wright RAMC and Capt R.D. Harkness RAMC” - wo 205/1165 | WW2Talk
Reading the actual damage reports is a real eye opener as to WT’s inadequacy in tank damage mechanics!

Also for example see this discussion from 2019 in the old forum:

I didn’t even talk about shrapnel in the post you replied to.

You didn’t need to. Your whole point is “its like a grenade going off next to you” which isn’t true. grenades are mostly dangerous due to shrapnel, not just the explosive filler. With that being said, its not like a grenade going off next to you, because the shrapnel is directed in a cone, not a sphere like gaijin chose to model it.

Yes if you’re not inside a building

Lock yourself into a small room the size of the interior of a tank and have 100g of tnt explode next to you. Do you think you can still operate a tank?

Nobody ever argued against the shrapnel spread being a cone irl.

Where are the internet janitors at?

We are around… just cannot be around 24/7… Leroyonly got that guy mere seconds before I did :P

Thanks to those that were flagging him!


The explosive effect is in a CONE, what are you not understanding. In a small room, that tnt would explode in a more spherical shape, not a cone facing behind me.

Inside a building, the shrapnel is still the most dangerous part. Sure, the explosion might cause some ringing in your ears, but the shrapnel is the part that’ll kill you.

Then stop with this ridiculous argument.

The shrapnel is a cone but the shockwave is still a sphere.

An explosion inside a tank does a lot more than “some ringing in your ears”.

You brought up the shrapnel spread why are you complaining about your own argument.

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This just doesn’t make any sense at all. An explosion going the opposite direction from you would direct the majority of that shockwave away from you, as well as the shrapnel. Do you think these things just operate independently? Shockwave says “ima do my own thing”?

Depends where it explodes in the tank, and which direction the explosion goes in.

You’re the one ignoring all logic and reason because you like APHE and dont want it to work as its supposed to.