Rather than nerfing APHE Gaijin should instead apply a huge buff for solid AP, APDS and HEAT

There should be a minor nerf to APHE, but not enough to completely change how it is. And, solid shot/HEAT should be buffed massively.

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Explain how having two rounds be nearly identical, vesus two rounds that both have good upsides and downsides, and reasons to choose them, is better balanced.

One would have more spall then the other

right now it one makes spall and the other completly nukes the tank so changeing it to be more realstic would be good for balance

Even if it’s not realistic surely it would be better for the game that way :)))))

You are ignoring the entire point…

Its not broken or overpowered in my idea, its balanced out with other rounds, simple as that. Your statement is a complete non-sequitur.

Your “balanced” rounds one shot tanks constantly and consistently. As someone who plays nations that use aphe on a lot of the tanks I’ve played, I see it as totally unfair against solid shot/apds/heat users.
The rounds are unrealistic, and flat out unfair in many cases/scenarios. God for you have to shoot a tank more than once to kill it.

One would have more spall then the other

But still within a very limited area, and not a major difference. I want APHE and AP to be rounds that are very much sidegrades to each other-

APHE gets the sphere, and so is useful for cupola shots, etc.

Wheras AP gets a fair chunk more damage in its spall cone then APHE, and more pen.

Simple as that- you now have reasons to use both.

Except in this case they would be balanced, because all ammunition would be at about the same level.

Im not saying what we have now is good, I am saying that we shouldnt make APHE into ‘slightly more damage AP’

Rounds should function how they should function, and then BRs can be adjusted accordingly.

This is also a great example of why variable BRs based on equipped ordnance would be good, in this case shell types.

This is also a great example of why variable BRs based on equipped ordnance would be good, in this case shell types.

Sigh please no. While I understand why this may seem to make sense, I like to adjust my ammuntion load based on whether its an uptier/downtier. (Ex. In a downtier with the EH I will take ~90% APHE, uptier I will take about ~50/40/10 APHE/APBC/Smoke

Any mid size APHE is like having a hand grenade go off next to you it should be as deadly as it is right now.

Okay. And with the fake round mechanics, lets remove the death by crew loss and have HP bars. Would be more balanced as it would allow people to survive a single mistake and give heavies the ability to take multiple shots.

At that point just play WOT

Correct. But i just figured to give an equally hyperbolic response to his.


There is a far bigger leap from changing round damage properties slightly to provide variety…

To going to the extreme and proposing HP bars.

Nothing has to be fully realistic ffs, stop sticking to full realisim like its ****ing glue.

All in hearing is you don’t want APHE correct so you can keep using APHE to OHKO

Honestly, that is a fair take. I like APHE’s current nature, especially with 250g+ numbers.

However, I do think that it being clearly different to solid AP is important, and I want variety. I aint claiming that I don’t have bias, (I most certainly do, APHE is absurdly fun), but I am trying to keep it balanced.

Gane discussion, not a suggestion. So fail to see how much of an impact it will have. When its pretty much shared as a 52 to 48 relatively even rn.

99.9% of solid ammo problems would be fixed if Gaijin modeled spall ricochet. Hot metal deleting itself against the side of the tank doesn’t make any sense.


And you took the extreme when someone said they wanted realistic ammo

I have only met a couple people who claim to want 99% sim. Everyone else wants the base to be realistic.

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Uh, no. APHE is being made more realistic. Instead making other shells unrealistically effective is a terrible idea.