But not Sweden or the USSR
Sounds like Free abrams? why not directly give everyone free TT air line
No, they are still working, I am still afraid of BTRZD or R3/T120 when I was playing CAS in 7.7, their weapon is almost no different from some of 7.7-8.0 BR SPAA, just lack of radar
So what kind of player will choose to play Italy 7.0-7.3? skip to 7.7-8.0 is the best choice, instead of offer to become a suffer
I am talking about 7.7, where is guide bombs, and there is even no CCIP, everything here is depend on your experience or feeling, except the radar spaa
So the Falcon and zsu-23-4 need to be 7.7 or 7.3, no radar, and no HE-VT? lose HE-VT doesn’t means it should be have same BR with M163
Sorry for wanting to enjoy the game.
They could work, but they are hardly effective.
Notice how I specified guided and unguided munitions? I have a major issue with bombs being super easy to use. Tanks are basically free kills when you have 1000lb bombs.
Shitty avoidance of the point
Or hitting the pain exactly where it hurts.
If you don’t wanna pay or farm with that, you will never enjoy, no pay no gain
They are pretty OP now for most of CAS
Only if kamikaze, any dive on spaa directly is like suicide.
Hitting the OP’s SPAA enjoyers right where it counts.
Or you avoiding the point since it deflates yours
Avoid for what, choose 7.0 -7.3 to suffer? I am a reasonable player, not a SM seeking for suffer
Ground players: want to enjoy the Ground vehicles they joined the Ground matches for.
C*S spammers: “just spawn SPAA if you don’t like being massacred by OP C@S lol”.
Ground players: sacrifice their fun and tank gameplay to indeed spawn SPAA and try to counter OP C*S spam to some degree.
C*S spammers: “nerf SPAAs, they OP, if you want to stop me from anihilating you and your whole team from the sky with something that I want to be otherwise uncounterable, just grind entire plane trees in air battles and spawn fighter planes lol”
C*S spammers want to have as many free kills served on a silver plate without counters that they want to turn “ground battles” even more into a “C@S free roam with player-controlled targets”.
And the tank enthusiasts who actually want to play tanks? Screw them, who cares! All that matters is the fulfilment of C*S players after snihilating half the enemy team from the sky without counters!
Seriously, why not play Air Battles if you just want to turn Ground Battles into Air Battles 2.0? You get a bigger rush if you know each “target destroyed” involves ruining the fun of someone who is just trying to enjoy some tank gameplay?
Edit: lol
Ground players : want to enjoy unbalanced bias using those OP ground vehicles to bully others and be a camper
CAS players: Try to bomb tough targets and help team win
Ground players: someone stop me camping and hunting, that’s unfair, and my SPAA can’t use laser weapons to shoot down these CAS immediately.
when CAS players gain over 600 SP and try to use CAS to save their team, Greedy and lazy ground players will just complain instead of figuring out how to deal with CAS, causing the cost and difficulty of CAS to be raised very many times, when the weather system changes, ground players say it’s in line with reality, when bombs and rockets are nerfed, say it’s in line with reality, as if CAS isn’t a reality, like WOT complaining about artillery and wows complaining about aircraft carriers and submarine
Complaining about CAS has never been a very ludicrous topic, except for the top tier due to carrier limitations, Gaijin is even far ahead of its time with fighters and SPAAs against poor CAS, and some stupid ground players can only complain because they don’t have SPAAs or don’t know how to play fighters, and the team can be considered ludicrous if cas can destroy 4 tanks in a row with no countermeasure whatsoever not worth fighting for.
Of course this doesn’t belong in this thread
Seems like this topic is off-topic again, we are discussing whether 7.7 needs radar spaa or not, not the poor selfishness of ground players.
lol C*S players always try to picture it like a holy saving grace against “campers in OP vehicles” when most of their kills come from spawncamping people respawning in and SPAAs on the spawn points xD
They do. Planes at that BR (up to 8.7 in uptiers) are fast enough and have long enough range guided weapons to warrant SPAAs to have tools to aid them to counter them.
Or are people expected to counter G.91s and Skyhawks with Nord and Bullpup ATGMs with a ZSU-57-2?
It is really up to them if they want to have decent lineups ot not.
Yes, researching vehicles is essential part of creating a good lineup, you are correct
uuh, who cares? The NAVY clearly doesn’t cause they use it against planes anyways. Infact, it’s advertised for longer range. Not to mention, it would still give the M163 a chance to defend itself from ground targets.
Bait used to be believable
Looking for the easiest to spot and most dangerous targets, aren’t they, ground players like spawncamp too
All of them are over 8.0 and has better SPAA to deal with, don’t you think using radar spaa against props like spitfire or p51 is fair? And there are only 2 nations, which has the best jet fighters at this BR