How could they appear in 6.7-7.7? Don’t forget we do have a lot of props, and M163 is still in 7,7 as well.
Because cas isn’t dominant enough?
Gimme my HE-VT back and sure, otherwise no :)
The only reason why CAS is dominant is because fighters skill issue
That will make it to 9.0
it was 7.7 with them which was really unfair to York and every other HEVT armed SPAA with radar.
And low tankers IQ. (70 SP means 70 IQ)
CAS is dominant because:
SPAA is not a reliable counter.
Not everyone has access to SPAA at some BRs.
SPAA is hard to use.
SPAA rewards are awful.
SPAA can’t do anything but AA duty (sometimes).
CAS is too cheap to spawn for the potential it has.
CAS is too easy to use.
What does that even mean?
There are plenty of easy to use rapid fire SPAAs right now, that prove to be extremely lethal to CAS unaware of their location.
There are also easy available fighters that cost even less than CAS and can clear the sky with no issue.
Being bullied by CAS is pretty much a choice lol
M163 is fine to stay where it is, but yea ZSU37 and VEAK are extremely effective SPAAs put at lower BR for basically no reason
Not always. Many nations don’t have adequate SPAA at many BRs, such as France, USA, and Sweden. I can’t use a 5.7 SPAA when I play France at 7.7, and I can’t use an M42 at 6.7.
True, but you shouldn’t have to get in a plane in Ground RB, unless you specifically want to use CAS.
If M163 got Mk.149 APDS then that would solve both its awful muzzle velocity and poor anti-tank capabilities, but sadly Gajin wouldn’t make any money adding Mk.149 sooooo.
I see no reason why that should be a thing. It is combined arms mode, no matter how people put it. Fighters are available to everybody, cheap and extremely effective.
before I forget… gaijim has to lower a4e’s br to 9.0 and ayik’s to 9.3
But way more than SPAA.
This makes no sense bud.
it was 8.7…
After the first death, AND assuming your nation has proper counters? Sure! But the problem people have is that unavoidable first death and probably the death of a few teammates before you’re able to get into a vehicle to attempt to counter, and then once you do its still a gamble because SPAA can be easily gotten around and fighters have to be competitive with what you’re facing…
The reason is they are worse than the rest…
APDS isn’t to be shot at planes
Nope. They were overpowered down there.
Every nation has fine selection of fighters. CAS also needs one death to spawn so no issue there too.
Not true. Many BRs lack fighters for some nations.
??? This is not the same thing at all.
Because they are more dangerous? Spaas can effectively defend while fighters can actively seek and chase CAS.
Only specific BRs but uptiering a fighter isnt a big issue since its performence is already miles above payload heavy CAS.
Lol, but it very much is.