Radar range bug?


Hi was wondering if anyone has been experiencing this at all, most all my radars for planes are capped at 37 Km or 121,000ft and in most BVR modes. I noticed this when watching some content creators (Mattawg/Joob/Defyn) and noticed when flying the F-14B and other aircraft their max range for modes and tws are higher then what I have (93Km for F-14B) and (74km for F-15C). is there an option or selection that I am missing or is this a Bug thank you.

There is a botton you can bind to change radar range. I think it is called “change radar range” or something along those lines.

the only option i have is change radar range from beyond visual range to within visual range modes

How about radar scope?

Search “radar” in your controls and post a screenshot

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ok i was playing around with all the radar keybinds and its “change radar scope scale” im actually a noob lol, thanks for the help tho

figured it out is “change radar scope scale” thanks for the help