R77 and MICA-EM Preformance lacking

The r77 and MICA are severely lacking in performance

they have way more drag above supersonic speed than they should.


yeah unlikely to be fixed tho


I blame Russian bias when it comes to R-77 performance.


did anyone do a proper test to compare these missiles to the amraam recently? i wasn’t able to find anything.

You can just use Missile sheet
The AMRAAM still beats out everything that isnt a Phoenix or F90 in Range, energy and speed by a good percentage only the PL-12 comes close and the AAM-4 has more range but thats because its low speed drag is really low its not gonna hit anything though gliding at mach 0.9


Isn’t it a game engine limitation? If so they couldn’t put bias into it even though they most likely wanted to.

Bullshit. The fact that you can immediately hit 40gs off of the rails with the MICAs is broken.

Thats the main and only advantage they have…? I assume you play EZ mode amraam carriers?

bro has an Aim-9x and says amraams are easy mode.

Hey, my squadron didn’t do anything! Lol

You just proved you have no idea what makes something good or bad with this. There are very good reasons (see: multiple) for why amraam is far more competitive overall than mica. I also don’t even OWN a french jet with the MICA lmao, what’s next, you gonna use that against me too? Oh wait you don’t own them either.

Yeah, turning 90 degrees at mach 1 and hitting targets closing behind you within 2km at mach 1.5 isn’t broken. It’s better than the R-73 and Aim-9M. I am not speaking to its long-range capabilities. I am all for nerfing fox-3s so that I don’t have to fly a tree height to stand a chance at avoiding them.

Can you understand that the AMRAAM is more competitive than the MICA because the situations in which the MICA are better are tiny? Because you rarely have to fire missiles over your shoulder to hit somebody next to you with a radar missile.

Its realistic

Yeah fix the drag, also fix amraam maneuverability the nerf was u hiatorical no amraams arent pulling what they should

interesting french players say mica no work corectly… explain me in enemy team is french nation all maches lose but the mica is so bad… really mica neeed nerf…