R27et underpowered?

Friendly reminder that how Mig29’s Fm butchered while F-16’s became arcade machines at Air Rb.


ie the chance to go to traps 30% is not effective?

Whats the point if gerting thise missiles if they practically dont change a thing?

I know that. Five miles still a huge difference from what we have in game. BVR requires a level of SA and thinking that not all players are capable of. They might have to gasp work together and communicate.

Besides Gaijin still wants the furball. That gets players out and into other matches faster.

İn the game they get 1 tap flared at 3Km rear aspect

Aim 9m in real life had worse flare resistance than r73 and r27et so thats false, another thing is ive never heard of a bvr missile that cant be launched below 5km front aspect

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We know this based on what?

I mean im all for SMT getting R-73M if that brings them to missile parity, tho that is almost end of the line for soviet originated missiles

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r27et its a joke 4.8km headon lock range meanwhile i launch that 50km+ in dcs world… but lof of usamains start crying when the gaijin buff this

The point is what more do Russia need? Nuke warhead IR AAM? They got 27ER/ET and R73 those are good Missile i just don’t understand that why people need Russia to always be best of everything it just one IR missile only just one and most of Russian players losing their mind I didn’t say F-16C are weak or anything but neither SMT
Can’t imagine if Israel get python 4 i’m sure there gonna riots

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And i have little sympathy for soviets at the moment, theyve gotten 2x BR12s so far and have just gotten a 12.3. Some nations arent rocking anything better than 11.3

(For the record, same applies for US mains who complain)


I have none and will never Russian main never know the word “Enough” mean


You can 1 flare the 9m if you’re at all competent.

ET doesnt even perform as it should be because of its seeker, ER kinda nerfed because of RWR changes and R73 still doesnt work properly.

Not to mention Mig29’s are terrible in terms of flight performance compare to F-16.

On the other hand F-16 recieved a huge flight performance buff that it single handedly clubs everything at top tier. With that flight performance,additional countermeasures and very good Aim-9M, it basically became a monster at top tier.

İ do understand why you feel this way but current Mig29’s anything but op at this moment, İf you wanna talk about Russian ground vehicles or helicopters, thats different however.

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whats good about 27ET please tell me, because it gets flared as often and meybe even more often than a 9L

you literally cannot 1 tap flare a 9M no matter how competent you are, that is a straight up BS lie, I will share videos of R73 1 tap flared, i dare you to share a video of 9M 1 tap flared. You will not and you cannot, lie more please

I am surprised by its short lock range. Im personally a little relieved. I was not looking forward to dealing with them in SB, but maybe they are capping them until Fox 3. But im not sure on that. Though I think all seekers are underperforming currently in terms of lock range. So I wonder if they have a seeker overhaul due. We are entering an era of missiles that should easily be able to lock on out to 20-40kms. I can see them needing a bit of a code re-write for that as so far, IR seekers have only needed to work out to about 5km at most. The game does struggle with things are long distances. T-Pods still struggle with targets further out than about 10kms

For the record. Even the Aim-9M doesnt have the lock range it should have :


Community Bug Reporting System

they happily accept and buff the already best IR missile 9M yet they deny any report about R-27T/ET , even though it has literally half the IRCCM capability of R-73 / Magic 2 in the game, its definitely not US bias and Russian bias im sure. Look at the MIG-29FM, and then the UFO-16. Yeah sure. Im sure USSR engineers were so stupid they put a worse seeker with worse IRCCM on their 5x longer range missile compared to R-73, gaijin logic

Actually that report is from the perspective of Aim-9M on the Gr7, shared in the Gr7 thread and written by a guy that does most of the bug reporting for British aircraft and approved by the Tech mod that has done a lot of work on getting the British TT aircraft as good as they are. In this instance, US happens to be a coincidence. That being said, for the record. I didnt think the F-16 needed Aim-9M and I think they should have been only given to those that needed a buff/advantage, mostly the sub-sonics. (Gr7, Gr9, AV-8B, Sea Harrier FA2, etc) (though with wise of the Gr7, was hoping it would get a BR decrease instead, would make Gr7 → Gr9 upgrade more meaningful and distinct)

I never said MiG-29 are OP i just said it not lack stuff either same goes as F-16C i just don’t understand what more do they need apart from FM?

It does lack stuff, like an actual Flight Model that is not utter fantasy and garbage, and it should have large caliber countermeasures not NATO standard small caliber, and it should have 56 additional countermeasures, so 116 in total, not 60 like right now.