R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

Right, this is exactly what I’ve heard too. And this is not modelled in the game currently from what I can tell, same drag value all around.

I’m not sure if any missile is modelled accurately, most of this stuff is still classified afaik. I try not to make claims about IRL, I’m just pointing out range is worse in game, from in-game tests. This is why I asked the other guy for his source since he made the claim that it’s “Modelled properly” and accurate. (In which he told me to google it)

I’m not exactly sure what French missile you’re referring to, if it’s not correctly modelled then it should be corrected unless it causes some massive balance issue. Right now the balance issue is blue-team being better than every single aspect of BVR. Much better radars, Much better missiles, Much better high altitude climb and speed performance. Red team is back to ~10% win rates in sim due to this.


Not taking shots at you. Taking shots at the thread. MICA is still not meeting known capabilities and has had a hatchet taken to the range. Not even the limited known capabilities. It would arguably crush most of the other additions that could be made in all aspects but range, however, still should be accurate if they’re going to claim it is MICA.

Magic is wrong as well in IRCCM. But that’s an issue that will never be addressed.

Feel free to read sunshine’s link. I’m likely not going to bother with them if they can’t grasp terminology.

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For 120 already was few reports about underperforming

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No worse than the yanks. Arguably the yanks are worse.


Its always lovely seeing you being US main and calling everyone Russian mains while they actually play other nations too,unlike you.


Well there is no point discussing with you cause all you are is just die hard cope US main. Its absolutely pointless talking to you.


This is simply untrue and a silly thing to argue


I’d need to see the sources, could be the case. I don’t know. I’ve also heard AIM120A has the C5 performance atm, but I don’t go around repeating that since I haven’t actually seen the source for it.

This thread however, is about possibly adding the R77-1, due to R77 being horrid.

The R77’s are horrid, they don’t have much better pull as the stat-card would suggest, they even have worse initial pull compared to AIM120 - And the R77-1 would from my understanding, still be beaten by AIM120 at longer ranges with how drag is modelled currently for both R77’s.

In my opinion, one nation having a worse missile is definitely not enough of a reason to start adding more powerful missiles to compensate - however when that nation also has the worse radars, and worse high altitude/climb performance, and worse missiles all together… I can respect that opinion.


You have no right to talk about anything above 3.7 BR for air btw. Also good job having negative K/D on F-16C lol,rip bozo,needs to buff US even more and then you might get some kills.


This is the main detriment. 77s are entirely usable, but the radars aren’t.

Why not? do Russia need newers missile than the other because the one they had is suck?

Exactly. This has been true throughout the game for a while… It’s called balance


Damn buddy that’s so much hatred towards US, are you sure you don’t hate America in real life too? Also checking my stats twice now is really pathetic, maybe quit this forum for a bit and chill.

Its not like the R-77-1 is game changer, it will still be worse than AMRAAM. Idk what is this US mains outrage about. MICA is even more gimped than R-77 is,and noone cries in thread about it that it would break the game.


For me. in the future Su-30M2, Su-27SM3, MiG-29K (9-41R), MiG-29M2, Su-30SM, Su-30SM2, Su-35S, Su-30MKK and Su-30MK2 access R-77-1/RVV-SD

But currently MiG-29SMT (9-19) only

Su-30M2 should already have come and I believe it would have been a more unique implement than the Su-27SM


Gaijin should’ve skipped the SU27SM honestly, the SM3 was gonna be a huge upgrade to Russia from the normal SU27.


And that might be fun but not about kinematic


And there s few more, that can massivly buff 120

Yeah yeah give Russian newer missile than others while other can’t have anything on the same league as them is “Balance” hah sick

So much hate for US that i had entire tree until last patch )))))))))))))))))) I am simply just not retarded US main like you and i play all nations so i have all around knowledge about things and how they perform. And also i know R-77-1 wont change anything in AMRAAMs domination. If anything,PL-12 with its acutal range should outrange everything except AMRAAM D. Yet again,in WT it doesnt. Its also very gimped. I would actually say AMRAAM is the least gimped ARH ig atm.