R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

They could’ve atleast added a conglomerate of the two (they are known to do that) with the N011 BARS (the PD not the PESA variant) and the better engines

and the european nations should have gotten their eurocanards and just bodied the russian planes and american ones.

But hey, we cant all get what we want


Then come back to our discussion and try not to check my or anybodys stats challenge (impossible)

But you don’t understand, that would be unfair to the big 3 and we can’t have that.

According to lot of them F-4F ICE is better than SU-27SM lol I didn’t expected reason with them anyway

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It IS better in the BVR arena


Maybe they think that Ej kai also better, everything might be.

I’m honestly lost as to why Russia should receive special treatment i.e a completely new ARH missile just because their current one isn’t as good as the Wests (mind you, a number of Western aircraft with the AMRAAM, which is what R-77 is being compared to, are significantly inferior to the Su-27SM in practically every other way; i.e Tornado F.3 & F-4F ICE).

Where were y’all when Russia had the best SARH missile, tho? I mean, R-27ER was and still is so much better than the AIM-7F/M/SkyFlash etc.


With wt maps - you still can get close.

I complained about the R-27ER the whole tim as well, and the same when the F-14A was sealclubbing MiG-23s. It’s just a pissing contest of who can power creep more.


If mld didnt have 24T that was capable to lock way better than now then kinda true.

F-14 was just a magnet for ir missiles.

It still a Phantom just upgraded F-4
BVR is all it have

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There is another reason to even removing the r77 and adding the R77-1. It’s not a russian missile. It’s ukrainian. Russia never adopted it and ordered a very limited number.

The r77-1 is a russian missile though


Maybe it is export version

I don’t see it that way. Back during the ER & F-14A days, it was a single (or at worst two) nation(s) doing the ‘clubbing’, currently we have a number of nations on roughly equal footing par some having to use inferior airframes without any alternatives.

Russia isn’t by any means being clubbed right now. Sure, the R-77 is worse than the AMRAAM, but guess what - pretty much every ARH missile at the moment is worse than the AMRAAM, it just so happens to be the most potent in the most categories, and is the most used on top of that (i.e Germany, UK, US, Japan, Italy(?), Sweden).

So, the current situation is pretty much a reverse of how the top tier was back in 2022 & 2023. Instead of pretty much everyone having to put up with the R-27ER, now it’s just Russia who has to learn how to play around the AMRAAM being better. Idk, seems like a fair deal to me.


sounds like a skill issue to me, there is still plenty close range engagements

AAM - 4 in theoretical better, but depends on how you fire it and situation

Check MICA-EM. You can launch it while notching

A lot of nation using AMRAAM and Russia have hard time fighting them
American bias
Seriously why only Russia complain I rarely see other nation complain about amraam
guess who the problems around here?


Perhaps it was not even configured, because it is only in the files, and not in the game