R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

Good so.

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AAM-4 is NOT less capable than the R-77. I want what you’re smoking

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No. AAM-4 has the second slowest acceleration of all arh missiles (the slowest is Phoenix). It also has a maximized load of 32G, 18 lower than the R-77. Do you know what this means?

It also has a longer boost time and less drag? That means it has better range. Better acceleration means shit when the missile used its entire motor and is now flying with 4 airbrakes.

the same aerodynamic principle…


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No warning to enemy because no more burning engine. Slower? More time to maneuver with the high G load.
Go see VT-1 vs roland 3 missile.

You act like people don’t use RWRs? You can’t actually think the R-77 is better than the AAM-4…

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AAM-4 is completely artificially nerfed in game. It’s double the weight of the amraam yet somehow its worse in all aspects

203mm diameter and 222kg vs the Aim120s 178mm diameter and 160kg

It’s no reason for the missile to have such poor performance.

If using the aim120 as a baseline, it should have better range than it.



Who?! And what’s the point of this 10-year-old picture? What were you trying to say?

Review it carefully again, and also look at the reset devices

It’s not modeled properly. The drag on the grid fins varies greatly depending on if the missile is supersonic, transonic, or subsonic. The game doesn’t model those differences and gaijin has just kind of handwaved an average value to make it behave more like the standard finned missiles but with more drag.

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The western nations had the superior Fox-2s during the age of the game when the meta was fox-2 due to strong multi-pathing making all SARHs defunct. Now the western nations just have the best everything, so yes it is a problem now.


“Work on the R-77 began in 1982 by „Molnija OKB“ in Ukrainian SSR. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union the R-77 (Izdelie 170) missiles were produced in Kyiv’s “Artem” plant”

If you want to quote wiki, quote the right part. The general overview doesn’t tell you which version of the missile is meant with the russian flag.

The initial version R77 the obe we have in game is from Ukraine

The R73’s still work better even at 2 km’s all aspects or everybody that i shoot at is brain dead

Radar lock, missile slaved to my radar, 1km, R-73 does booom

AIM-9M and especially AAM-3 can’t do that

AIM-9M’s IRCCM works beyond 1.5km. R-73 can’t do that.


I looked very carefully, but I still don’t understand what you were trying to say with this drawing.

Adding 27M will be mistake - near to paper plane, not even serial
29m - might be some better vy flight characteristics, but worser/same by radar
And not sure that it got L-150