R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

You act like people don’t have eyes? you can’t actually think that the roland 3 is better than the vt-1

Btw MG3 is better

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Why do they need 260, when they have 174, which in same time unificated with Navy SAM (lesser types of missile - better for logistics).

Aim174 is NAVY, USAF might not accept that.

Aim-174 doesn’t exactly fit snuggly inside the bays of the F-22 and F-35.

And Aim-260 is whats keeping F-35 buyers from demanding Meteor integration schedule to be sped up.

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I would prefer the D version Smokeless engine (if that’s what it is) it’s just the power

All amraams MUSTbe smokeless
Even pre serie


AIM-174 size means it only fits on pylons that can take 2000lbs bomb or droptanks, so it’s severely limiting in terms of ability to be carried alongside ground attack loads and aircraft range. Also it will have a hefty performance impact. Super Bug might actually struggle to be supersonic carrying them.

Also, the AIM-174 would likely be added at the same time as an item like the R-37 (original variant).

One problem with AIM-174 not mentioned here is how it has more kinematic range than the radar of the F/A-18E, so it cannot be used without a forward aircraft (likely a flight of F-35C) providing datalink information to the missile and launching aircraft.

Speaking of, there were some ex-US pilots discussing it recently, and all generally seemed to wonder why tf they stuck it on the Super Hornet considering its a relatively poor aircraft regarding the BVR role and would struggle even more carrying a massive oversized missile.

Granted the answer to that was “back in the ol’ days, the US government and navy did something really REALLY stupid, and decided to retire the fleet defense interceptor role and AIM-152 ACIMD program, effectively killing their long range fleet defense capability. This was not a problem at the time, as terrorists in the middle east dont exactly pose a threat to a carrier battle group, but now that the US has a legitimate adversary that they will have to fight largely over the sea, they are scrambling to patch/correct their previous lack of foresight”

At the same time though, I STILL dont understand why they chose the SM-6, or continued producing the AMRAAM when the seemingly most obvious solution (which was even offered to them) was to just start using the RIM-162 ESSM/AMRAAM-ER…

79 must be enough, but, as i know you can take target from awacs.
Also USN have some additional datalink, for SM-6 guiding on super far diatances

The AIM 174 is essentially the SM6.
It is a massive, bulky missile designed for fleet defence and wheb carried seriously degrades the performance of the aircraft carrying it.

The Aim260 is supposed to be able to be carried internally on the f22 and f35, directly replacing the Aim-120.


Against LO targets. I think that F/A-18E with the AESA radar will have 2-300km against large fighter targets or bombers so will be able to use most of the AIM-174B range(probable several hundred km).

Also this range is as always for a hot target. Cold targets it may be able to use all the range even at 150km or less detection. So it’s still a big range edge in fighter engagements.

Standardizes production and guidance. SM-6 is already a signficant production item and AIM-174B would need almost no changes for compatibility. AMRAAM-ER is a limited production thing and ESSM is incompatible.

It reminded me about the rocket made on the basis of 9M317

This is your remider of how hard Standard has kicked every Soviet SAM’s butt ever since the 60’s.


Probably the missile kinematics can make up for the superhornet barely getting above Mach 1.2 (or even Mach 1.1) at 30k ft.

What what ?
SM-1 1967 Range 65km Alt 20km
S-200 1967 Range 160km Alt 20km

We need to look at priorities. And do not compare shipboard complexes with land-based ones.


KS-172-1 my beloved

Imagine needing to compare a 7000kg missile with a 1300kg one. Because of course same size S-125 has what, 20km of range? And literally can’t hit targets at 20km altitude. S-75 matched SM-1ER only in last variants. Ganef falls signficantly short as well, and both of these are almost twice the size. Late 70’s/80’s SM-2 comes around and the gap is even bigger.