R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

Not best in everything, same as with 77 in that case

Because the Su-30 and Su-35 are modernizations of the Su-27, they inherited the original’s inherent flaws. Additionally, these aircraft lack advanced avionics and weapon systems that could compete with Western counterparts.

R-77 is best at nothing and okay at some things. AIM-120A is best at BVR and great in short-mid range engagements

There is no point in implementing these systems, as RU would not even think of buying them due to pricing issues. That is the main reason AESA has been off the table for so long; RU being cheap.

Not all su30, but part of them better systems, than Su-27 from 80’s
Interesting, did they fix that Spo-15 can get fantom spikes, from yourself radar?

And lol

F-35 producen more, than Su-30 and 35
Thats fun

In a couple of weeks, the “best missile” will likely be nerfed, as Gaijin often does. I really don’t understand why you create so many topics complaining about it.

Not best in everything, that most crying guys want from 77-1 aswell
But youre at least bave arguments, not like the most.

DCS doesn’t model missiles nearly as well as warthunder nor as accurately for the most part IRCCM in DCS is literally based on rolling a dice


Cant produce even a same amount as one country have 5 gen jets.

This is my only topic complaining about it?

And how irccm affects energy of R-27ER?

To underoerform more, yes

The point was to tell you to not use DCS as a metric for missile performance and data because of how poorly DCS models everything that isnt a plane iirc they dont even model RCS but warthunder does

Probably not in 2005, by then i doubt there were 120A stocks anywhere in the world, but the same aircraft would have been carrying 120As while they were still the new thing, and probably even 120Bs in 2005. The point being, they were 100% compatible and carried at one point in time by the aircraft reperesented in game.

Wt cant even into stable autopilot on big range.
Look at Amraam/Mica launch in wt at least.

Wt also does not have RCS, even worser
You can find a missile, from 100km, in MPFR mode.

Maybe watch DCS F-14.

It sounds very dubious. Based on what sources does Gaijin model missiles?

Im not sure that us had 120A in 2005

On faith in god

Rewrite that in actual english

Warthunder does model RCS better than DCS which just slaps an X.m² to a plane and calling it a day


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That’s the point.