R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

Fair, honestly, it’s not like I’ve any sympathy for your struggles but I get that nobody wants to be on the receiving end of a better missile.

I completely agree that the R-27ER dominated the hell out of everyone, but that is no excuse to play this shitty “payback card” and say that the Russians deserve to have a shitty missile. This mentality is what allows Gaijin to keep roles imbalanced to force players to grind different countries for an OP item. This is the story of the MiG-23->F-14A->R-27ER->AIM-120A. The pissing contest of who suffers more and who deserves to not have good stuff needs to stop.


20 years of studying unknown soviet technology for russians

The present they still suffer from corruption and poor leadership which leads to sanctions and Ruh roh, you guessed it, no money. Look why the MiG-29SMT program for Algeria went so damn poorly.

Trying to sold mig-29 is bad by itself, but second hand… funnier

The designs are primarily sound, but they have no money to actually R&D, prototype, and build any of their stuff.

Even worse is that it used nontraceable systems and items straight from the french.

Its primarily why I absolutely hate when people call Sukhoi and Vympel dogshit and whatnot when their designs are absolutely amazing but they are built by toddlers with jackhammers.

Amazing su-30/35 with only R-27ER until 2010.
Plane that capable only to fly on airshows.

Exactly! The Su-35 and Su-30, as well as the sheer amount of prototypes that Vympel passed into the RMD COULD have been amazing, but the lack of any proper facilities to build, maintain, or source materials for these items doomed them.

Yeah, ofc, lack of everything

Thats another reason why sometimes its proper to look at source documents for these missiles, as they are so inconsistent in their production due to corrupt practices that its necessity. Its not like in game we have the seeker issues with the sparrows or the engine issues with the stuarts, for example. Its a non historical paper based game but people enjoy acting like everything should only perform as it does IRL, which is partially fine but not to a broad extent.

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Corruption less affects millitary

Just remembers case when roulette was folded and that was named as anthena, with x10-15 of original price)

It is kind of historical based, most of stuff still sets by Manuals/Reports/Etc

Sukhoi Design Bureau, through corruption and behind-the-scenes struggles, destroyed competitors like MiG Corporation, and then started making poor-quality aircraft, which it continues to do to this day.

This is not true.


Corruption effects the military when sourcing of building goods is sketchy and stuff is unable to be built consistently and smoothly.

Why is my claim untrue?

Affects, but less

“There s no live outside of moscow” states about poor condition of everything else, comical, but fact.

Still, back to topic, R-77-1 wont make RU any more competitive, but it no hurt either

Still, back to topic, AIM-120C-5 wont make US/brittish/german/italian/and who also have amraam any more competitive, but it no hurt either

Why would you give a better missile to countries who already have the best missile? there is absolutely no reason to.