R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

ETs are gimped rn in any aspect besides a solid rear aspect. They are not that great


Okay? I say womp womp but to me it’s really whatever. Not like it can get any worse for me, or better for you.

R-77-1 would be just as bad, and I see no indication otherwise, but what can I say, hope dies last or whatever that idiom was.

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Exactly, let us have a little bit of hope even if misguided

made first mass prod fox-3
made amraam into mass, when most of others sits on fox-1
So bruuh

Best missile to kill guys thay landing

Maybe in the 90s when the soviet union fell and Russia was broke?

Meanwhile, the only one who is truly lagging behind in missile technology (Fox-3), and has even proven it in practice, is Russia.

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Ofc, maybe also soviet didnt devolop R-27ER in 1991?

Russia has a legitimate excuse? The entire development team, as well as all the info, R&D departments, etc for the R-77 were all in Ukraine at the time of the Soviet Unions falling

Ofc, everyone that disagrees with russian supermacy is russophobic.

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Where can I find these reports and manuals?

As well, they have since been under constant economic strain with high corruption since then,

They still had devolopments of basic R-77, and even made it for export years later.
But for themselves - they didnt, until 2010

When they were able to develop the R-77-1. They didn’t use it because it wasn’t fully developed, and as it is in game; sucks.

Corruption still here.

But lol, spensing on military still was big enough.

Yes, lets fly with fox-1 from 90s!

They had absolutely no money after losing it all to stupidity regarding rivaling the US “Star Wars” program

Learn to check context, this guy said Chinese sources are as reliable as Wikipedia so I made an example.

It was the other way around for a really long time, though? When R-27ER was added it absolutely dominated BVR and forced everyone to make extensive use of multipath (it was the prime issue in fact, before, multipath wasn’t even really talked about).

I’ve abused the hell out of the ER when playing my German MiGs, often times there was nobody to shoot at at altitude because going high meant you were going to die.


Of course not. And I’m not talking about the times of the Soviet Union’s collapse, but about the present. Meanwhile, Russia also boasted about its miracle missiles that fly 360 km.