R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

For the record, TT air rb has been mirror matches between US, Ger, and Rus for how long?

Idk, against both of R-27 and fox-3 kinda same to dodge, by notching
Maybe fox-3 some easier by going cold, energy matter and 27 faster tbh
But fox-3 have some advantage due ARH seeker

The su 27 would still end up at 13.3. Dont know why you think it would stay at 13.ü

It might be, but depends

They were removed because they give a large RCS, and there are also problems with placement in the Su-57 compartment

They not using in 77M

Resolution bad, at least for 1st parameter
But kinda
And also depends, what they mean by Монопланное крыло.(monoplane wing)
If it’s like a Amraam/etc - bruh

PL-15 is the main reason why US went on to develop the AIM-260.


2.36 DEV server.
All the missiles lost speed at the slightest maneuver.

Report still not considered as not a bug.
So, it still might be not right yet

77M under Su-57

Can you prove that?

God(model, made by prisoners in china) said that

Yes, I am saying that Russian jets are fine. They may not be the best at any one aspect atm, but they are far from unplayable like this topic would make it seem. I did not call for changes. I drew a comparison to the current situation in top tier ground, where the Abrams tank is also not top of the pack, but still usable. If the BR compression wasn’t so tight, we could have the current best performers in top tier air and ground move up. That would fix a lot of issues in the game. I am leaning on the opinions of the posters in this topic that the R-77 is bad, because I haven’t use it myself yet. I did, however, just unlock the R-77, and I will form my own opinion shorty.


Yes, right.
But idk, r-77 may be some worser than Amraam. But still way better than Derby and Mica in BVR.
So theres no real point of crying

It’s like saying that MICA EM barely flies 25-30km. The same as the P77, but everyone forgets about the 50G in both missiles. But no one is asking to make Mika so that she can fly calmly at 40-60km.

Nobody asked because amount of players that playing france way less, than Cinch+SU

Su-34 (T10b) R27ER… 2012…

In syria also was a lot of R-27ER usage