R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

From the R-77-1, they will do the same thing as now the R-77 gaijin does not know how to model grid fins

And again you fail to understand the issue.

The range of the 120 allows it to get the first shot. And not by a few kilometers.

At this point, the soviet has two choice : a suicide run with the R27ER where both planes dies, or running away. By running away they dump all their speed because their FM is botched. They have to build it again, which leave the 120 carrier free reign to press the attack and commit. By the point the US plane is in range for the R77 to work, it’s almost at Aim9M range, where it wins everytimes if the pilot has two functional braincells.


It has nothing to do with reality

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Before you write nonsense, present the evidence

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Actual range near to 30 miles, at 2.2 mach and 40k ft.
But in RB mostly you will have 2 times less range, you cant climb so much.
Others still near.

Well, gaijin didnt change seeker of 9M as it must be
So 77 still have few times more, not like you stated “almost 9m range”

Ofc, what about usinf full control, instead of mouse aiming?
I’ll tell you a secret: F-15 also suffers from instructor

It is. Grid fins really have trouble in a dense atmosphere.
Must be better at really high altitudes.

Also - in wt autopilot drunk, corrects too much at cruise stage.

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Hilarious… when the western nations had to deal with trash sparrows it didn’t matter since you had the 27ER and ET. But now that the shoe is on the other foot, its a problem…


Yep, it always seems to go this way on the forums too. It seems to me that Gaijin needs to do a better job modeling the R-77 missile first, before any missile upgrades should be considered. The competitiveness of the current Russian top tier jets is equivalent to the Abrams fighting German and Russian mbts in top tier ground. Both are not the best, but you can make them work. The real problem is too much compression. The game currently needs to be decompressed to 13.3 in air, and 12.3 in ground.

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Massive skill issue.

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Modelled already fine bu itself, they need to change lofting, which will increase range.

You stating that it’s near to fine and playable.
What’s a problem?

There are no problems in dense layers, it all depends on the speed.Yes the autopilot is drunk

Altitude matter, less speed loss by just flying straight.
Speed - another factor
Smb stated above that it gets a lot of drag at speed under 1.8 mach irl, pretty near in game

And lol, about 77 itself - russia already not trying to use grid fins

He’s not wrong about trying 1 circles in the Su-27 at least. It’s pretty damn close in 1 circles, the Su-27 doesnt shit away its speed for nothing, after all.

You only play Murica and not even good, you should be carefull with calling skill issue.

could you clarify your question?

i can probably beat you 1v1 in BFM.

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Considering same seeker stats as way better is skill issue.

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Only thing you beat is your meat daily…

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You stating that it’s playable
But also states that it not fine and need changes

At the end of the day, AMRAAMs are NOT difficult to avoid from 8km distance. Cry.