R-77-1 but no AIM-120C-5?

At this point ive left top tier air behind lol

Maybe against afk bots.


Any fox 3 can hit an afk target at 60km launch range. Realistic scenario is a target notching once it goes active, I have seen the R-77-1 being defeated kinematically due to how much drag it has

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While gaijin doesnt add dynamic drag no argument will ever be valid about the lattice fins R77s…

You might have missed the whole collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia going bankrupt as the satellite states ran off with as much wealth as they could carry while corrupt officials sold state assets and secrets to anybody with a few rubles. from 1991 until 2000 Russia was run by Gangs controlling individual regions and a drunk as a state figurehead. And 2000 is only when they STARTED putting things back together. So yeah, they actually did have a 15 to 20 year gap in military R&D, while at the same time all the Soviet era advances they had made where sold off to the USA, it surprising that they got a little behind? Read up on the history of the Yak-141, it’s a good example of what happened to USSR tech in that period, and why Russia fell behind.

AMRAAM entered service 1991, meaning it had R&D before then. so his point still stands regarding the R-77-1 vs AIM-120A, since R-77-1 wouldve been later regardless

Always have been, lol.

before ppl say muh MiG-25 fast (i do like the jet), remember the YF-12

All the Xs as well.

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R-77 was showcased in 92

When did it enter service? And when was the first R-77 shoot down

It didn’t because post soviet states were broke. But that just means R-77 was developed around the same timeframe

So R-77-1, which is further development of R-77, would be even bigger difference than R-77 and AIM-120A

ARK_BOI point still stands

Well good thing this is a game and not irl. Cause balance matters (even if Gaijin doesn’r really care much about balance anyways)

Eh we should have AIM-120C-5 for the sake of having it. We really should be asking for AIM-120D, but for balance, hold back to C-5

Why? AIM-120A/B still beats the 77-1 against a notching target. 77-1 is only better against an afk target

Just to have the C-5 since a lot of jets used it more than 120A or B

And it’s a pretty definitive AMRAAM version

AMRAAM slingers are already capable jets on it’s own. Giving it a better missile would just make the game miserable for the French, China, Israel (or whatever planes they have that’s only exclusively using the derby), Swedish, and Russian players

Swedes use AMRAAM, and have finnish hornet with AMRAAM.

China has F-16V coming up, through Taiwan.

French can just get MICA fixed, and Israel uses 120 on all their top tier worthy jets.

So essentially, fuck Russia? Ayt I know I’m heading out